What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Life in the Fast Lane

My new sheets came in today. So, my bed got a makeover. It has officially been beautified. I LOVE THEM! They are yellow and they make me happy. IT is a pretty gloomy day. I hate days where the sun is not shining. So, at least my yellow bedspread will brighten up my day...a little bit.

Midterms are coming up soon. I hate tests. I have had three this week. But, I think I have done well on all of them so far. I have one more today.

I think it's sad that I just really count down the days till the weekend. I think that makes my week more miserable. I think I am just ready for the work load of this semester to be over. Mainly my ethnography box. I want that box behind me!!! Really I just want the doing homework from sun up till sun down aspect to be over with. What's funny is as you get older you look back and see how easy you had it freshman and sophmore year. ANd you realize,"I could've had so much more free time back then if I would've just done (fill in the blank)."

This week is a lot less stressful than last week though. And, I am glad for that. I got to talk to Tina last night. I was proud of myself for taking time to actually call her. haha. It's sad. But, I am bad at it. And, when I realize that is one of the best friendships I could ever ask for it seems rather pathetic when I let weeks go by without picking up my phone to call.

Some things to pray for: Dustin, my friend from highschool, has a grandfather that is in the process of dying. Another one of my friends (I am not so sure I can name them) found out that their dad has cancer.

God is constantly reminding me lately of the frailness of life.

My dad sent me an email that went along with what God has been speaking to me about lately. Mainly through other people, but also through his word. ANd that is this: Above all purity starts with the mind. Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. IF you put garbage in it has to come out in some way. IF you allow your thoughts to be all over the place and don't discipline yourself in that way your actions won't be pure like they should be. And, I think I am learning that more and more. IT is easier said than done though!

This past weekend I finally got to go home. My ethnography requires me to go to Athens to the library which can really only be done on the weekends. Apart from that recitals are starting meaning I won't even be able to leave on Fridays to go home from now on until 5:00 or 6:00. WHich stinks. Also, on sundays and some saturday for this semester I have to visit this church in Lawrencville for a class I am doing. All these things make it hard to go home! Which stinks. But, I made it home this past weekend. And I was glad. I miss my family. It was my daddy's birthday. So, we got to celebrate that. I am thankful to have had another year with my Daddy when some people don't have one at all. Not only do I have one. But, I have the best one. Or at least, I tend to think so!

Anyways...I have to get to class. Hope everyone elses week is running a little bit more slow paced than mine. But then again...when did I ever run my life on a slow pace? NEVER! I hate slow. haha.

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

yeah, you definitely live life in the fast lane! Just think, maybe there will be less traffic by the time you get to Atlanta if you can't leave until after 5! And don't worry, that whole day at the library is going to be even better than 10 weekends at home. You just gotta believe.