What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Favorite Things/My Least Favorite Things

This week is hopefully going to go by quickly. I would say I am ready for a break. But, there would be no point considering I won't get one until christmas. Normal people get fall breaks. I never do. MAybe next year?

Yesterday I had to wake up EXTREMELY early to go to the library in Athens (At UGA) all day. This is only because our library stinks. And our books are simply WAY outdated. UGA's library has about 5 million books altogether. ANd they have a lot more online resources than our school ever thought of having. So, since Ethnography requires you to find lots of good sources, we officially have to travel an hour if we want that to happen. It was a boring day. And I realized: There really is very little value in having such a class. Mainly because it is pretty much common sense to know how to do research. I feel like a lot of my classes this semester are common sense. yet, watch me come out with a B in them all. Oh well. I am finding lately that I am frustrated with the fact that my classes are common knowledge. I really have learned so much by being here. But, I am ready to be done with it. Because I feel like I got to the point where I was like,"Yep, I know this already".

Some of my classes are new knowledge to me and they are interesting. So, I am glad for those classes that I feel are actually teaching me things I don't already know! Sociolinguistics is one of those classes. And, I am excited to be learning things from it!

I have officially picked out a song and date for my first recital. I am nervous to have to sing in front of people but it is a short song. So maybe I can make it through without bursting into tears (haha...that's a joke guys). I am singing "My FAvorite Things" from Mary Poppins on November 30. haha. IT is kind of funny to think of me singing that song. My voice teacher apparently has a costume for everything you choose to sing. So I am afraid I might be dressing up like Mary Poppins to sing it! lol. God is humbling me through this experience.

THe rest of this week really just holds work. I am working hard on my Ethnography box. I checked out eight books at the UGA library yesterday that will hopefully provide me with a lot of resources for the next check=in point. I also have a paper to write, voice practice and reading to do!

But, I have come to the conclusion that working hard gives me a sense of satisfaction. It may be frustrating and tiring at some points. But, in the end working hard gives you a lot of satisfaction!!!

I was reading my devotion today and this verse really spoke to me :

18The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness,

That is Romans 1:18. And it spoke to me because the topic was all about how God has called us out of a life of darkness into His marvelous light. He has called us to shine like He shines. To be like He is. To do what He did. To live as he lived when He was on earth. To live like the bible has called us to live. One thing that God has taught me lately is how many christians (including myself at times) chooses to go back to the very nature HE called us out of. We are new creatures. God has killed the darkness and brought us into a NEW life. The old is supposed to be GONE completely. However, as christians we so often act as if that isn't true. WE decide to put back on those filthy rags that God took us out of when he put us into magnificent robes and clothed us with righteousness. THere are men that suppress the truth of Christ with their wickedness. They do not shine God's truth. I don't want to choose to put myself back into filthy rags when God has given me the best clothing I could possibly wear. I don't want to suppress God's truth in my life because I am choosing to put back on the chains of sin when God has freed me from them forever. I want to be HIS light.

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

I hope you have to wear a costume!