What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

An Ode To Squirrels (and other things)...

I have a bad attitude about choir tour. I really just don't want to go. I need to somehow get a good attitude about it or it could be miserable for me.

I am sick. I feel as if I might have the flu or something. I will spare you all the gory details though. Either way I still went about my day. I could barely stand it during choir though. I just wanted to go lie down.

We had dinner in gate cottage in anticipation of choir tour.

Tomorrow is my last day of classes for this week. Thursday I get to sleep in as long as I want to. I am looking forward to having half a day of relaxation before leaving for tour.

This song has become close to my heart these past two days, it's by Plumb:

"I Can't Do This"

I woke up late

Guess I'm never really early

I hesitate, only to fail

I get so tired, of procrastinating

I need a change


I can't do this,I can't do this,

I can't do this by myself

I can't do this,I can't do this,

Oh God I need Your help

I'm standing still

Move so peaceful

I can't pretendThat I'm fine

I get so ill, crazy agitated

When I


I can't do this,I can't do this,
I can't do this by myself
I can't do this,I can't do this,
Oh God I need Your help

Press into me

Breathe the air

Bask in me

You'll be free

To do anything

Alicia Her is int own! I am so excited to see her. She is the person who I will miss on choir tour. I won't have her waking me up in the middle of the night going "Who dat?" (she's asian). haha. I get to hang out with her tomorrow...So I am excited about this!

Anyways...I will end with sort of a depressing story about my day.

This morning I was headed to the gym (as I always am on Tuesday and Thursday morning). I am admiring the beauty of God's creation. And, I notice that for some reason an enormous amount of squirrels are out playing. I get to the guard shack and all the sudden I see two squirrels playing in the middle of the road. One of them runs to the side and hops away into the forest. While the other one starts to spaz (in true squirrel fashion). I decide to dodge it because as I start getting closer I realize it is not going to get out of my way. Well, I decide to go to the left because he looks like he is going to stand still. But, right as I do that he decides to dodge to the direction I am headed in. So, alas, I don't hear a crunch. So, I think to myself,"Man, that was a close call! THank goodness I didn't hit him" Well, I look in my rearview mirror to see little squirrely flopping around. And, I started getting really upset when I realized I didn't actually kill him. I just hit him hard enough to where it would take him a while to die and he would have a painful death. I called my mom because I didn't know what to do. I didn't know if I should go get him and take him to the Vet's office to see if they could repair him. I thought at least I should move him to the other side of the road. However, it didn't happen. She told me it might bite me. So, I refrained. I went all the way to the gym only to find out it was closed. And on my way back I looked for my little squirrel friend only to find him dead in the road. It made me really sad. This is the first animal I have ever killed.

THe rest of the day whenever I would see a squirrel (which is a lot on TFC's campus) I would think to myself,"Did I just kill his wife, or mother? Brother, or cousin?" I will never be able to look at a squirrel the same! SAD DAY!

1 comment:

Meredith said...

hahahhahhahahaha...this post made me laugh.

Hammy the Squirrel is with Jesus now. Just remember that, Jess. Hammy's with Jesus.