What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fall break is over. And it is back to school for me. I have my ethnography box due once again, at the end of this week. I am not too happy about this. haha. But, I suppose it just means I will be working hard to get all my homework done this week. Especially since our week was kind of cut short. I have three nights to do 30 entries. That will probably equal about seven hours of work!

So, I was gone on choir tour all weekend. We went to Birmingham. I got to spend the night with Grace one night! It was a lot of fun!!! I was glad to see her and talk to her once again! Choir tour wasn't so bad. I wasn't sick like last time. So that made it a lot better to start off with. But, it was good to make new friends.

My family surprised me and showed up at the concert on Sunday night! I like surprises like that! IT was really good to see them. And it was also really sad to see them go! But, I did get to eat with them after the concert. So that was nice.

choir tour is technically not over until Wednesday night. We have another concert in Toccoa on Wednesday night at a Senior Citizen conference. lol.

I am glad to be back. I slept in this morning instead of going to work out because I was so tired from the tour. Choir was called off for this afternoon which will give me a chance to go workout this afternoon and it will give me a chance to get a lot of work done! I need to do that even though I really don't feel like getting back into classes. Sometimes I wonder if I was really cut out for college. haha. I like it sometimes. But, at other times I just really don't feel like doing all of the work I have to do!

Well, I guess I better go get some of that work done!

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

You actually like some surprises?! ;)