What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Very Little Detail...

Today has been one of the most stressful days I have had since getting to school. For some reason EVERYTHING just didn't go right. It was incredibly frustrating. It put me in a really bad mood. So, here I am...ready to go to bed.

My Ethnography box is due on Friday. I have to have ten sources, 50 entries, 25 tabs, etc...IT is not hard work, just incredibly time consumming. I have 35 entries. I have 15 more to go. Then, once I turn it in I have two weeks to duplicate it. AHHH!!! It just never ends.

GOOD NEWS: I am going to NEw York CIty (which I have never been to) in the spring with the choir. And, while I am there I get to see a broadway show. YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT IS ON SO I WILL TELL YOU: LES MISERABLES!!!!!!! I have wanted to see it for YEARS! Ever since I went to London and saw the Lion King instead. I cannot wait to see it! I am so excited. I cannot wait. BUt, I will have to wait for a couple months.

In Other good news: I just got internet access for the first time this semester...I AM LOVING IT!

This weekend is my dad's birthday so I am going home! That will be refreshing!

I did a man's job last night. I am used to my daddy unclogging my shower drain for me. Last night I had to do it. It was nasty! haha. And, it made me want my daddy!

Anyways..I think that is pretty much it. I put together my Potato Head pumpkin last night. He is SO CUTE! Meredith is reading about PIrates right now and since he is a pirate she gave him the pirate name of "Stubs". haha. He is sitting on our front porch!

Amber and Sam are gone to Minnesota this week. I have to say..I miss them.

Last night PJ and Kim wanted to teach me how to make Hmong food. Every night when they cook some Hmong food they allow me to try it. It is really hot and spicy. I have to get used to it. Me and PJ planned a night next week for her to teach me some Hmong recipes. I am excited about it. They invited me and Meredith to watch and Indian movie with them last night. It made me laugh a LOT! It was funny. I am becoming pretty cultured :) ha. I haVe a long way to go. But PJ is having to teach me some Hmong for my Sociolinguistics class.
THat's it for now!

HEre are some pictures of Stubs: