What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Who Knew Camels Had Such Long Necks???

have been pretty busy lately. I wish I could say there was some end in the near future. But, instead, it is quite the opposite....it will only get more hectic from here on out! I think some days I want to break down and go crazy. I have to remind myself that this hard semester will be over shortly in the scheme of all of life. I honestly feel that I have so many classes that take a ton of time this semester that I can't give my 100% in any of them. I hate the feeling that I am being spread too thin. I realize that this is what is happening, yet I can't do much about it. I have to just get through the semester.

I got some good news today. I don't have one of my classes tomorrow! This makes more time for homework!!! I am so glad!!! I need more time for homework. yet, here I am updating you guys on my life. I need some non school related time.

This past weekend was pretty good for that. In fact, I went over to the Perk Up tonight so I could actually print pictures to my blog again (and so I could do some other work on the internet). On Saturday night Ashley and Heather Price asked me to go to a fair in Habersham with them! IT was so much fun!I haven't been to a fair in forever! It was a lot of fun. They also had a tent with all these animals in it. They made us laugh so hard. I included some pictures of it below so you could laugh too! We went on two rides (because it costs a lot of money). On the last one I got so sick that I had to put my head down on a table for a while! That wasn't fun! But, overall it was a hilarious night.

This is Heather petting a baby cow...SO CUTE!

This is Heather on the Paratrooper (the ride that didn't make us sick)

THis camel would put it's head through the holes in the fence. You would be walking by and he would just stick his head out right in your face. It was freaky. I didn't like it. But, Ashley was brave enough to take a picture with it! Ha!

This llama friend reminds me of the Emeror's New Groove. haha.

Ashley and Heather right before we got on the ride of death.

So, that was my weekend. I mean, the part that wouldn't completely bore you for me to talk about! I did try and catch up on some sleep and stuff. It was good!

Tonight Meredith made Talopia, rice and green beans for dinner. It was REALLY good! I loved not eating in the cafeteria too!

Well, I am off to do more work.


Portuguese Man O' War said...

Such weird looking camels. Next thing you know, this semester will be long gone. Before you can even blink, you won't even remember what ethnography is. Those will be the days, huh?

Meredith said...

Those are awesome pictures. That camel has a big head.

Bryan Bridges said...


I have a blogspot now!
