What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Monday, September 10, 2007


Limited internet access is seeming more and more annoying these days. So is not having Microsoft Word on my computer. It is such a hassle to only be able to use a computer at certain allotted times of the day. And I don't just mean because I want to blog. lol. With Ethnography you basically spend all of your time on a computer or in a library. And I might as well not even have a lap top at the rate they are taking to fix the internet. Too bad it is the semester I most need one. haha. GO FIGURE! God sure does have a sense of humor.

I am learning in my life to NEVER say NEVER to God. It should be off limits. Also, don't make your own plans. It doesnt work out. God goes against them just to show you it isn't about you AT ALL. It is simply about Him. I don't mean this in the way it is probably coming across either. I have had this dream for a LONG time to go to Africa. I don't remember how long it has been there because I don't remember a time when I walked around without it. And, when I entered college I envisioned myself going there on my internship. It was MY plan. I had it all figured out. I was going to Africa!!! Nothing could stop me. But, the fact is: it just isn't going to happen. And I am used to my dreams being broken by Christ in order to show me it isn't about my plans. Anyways...It looks like if I get accepted with the IMB I will be on my way to Thailand or the Philippines. Either to work with college students in Bagkok (which is the best place on earth I have ever been by the way) or to work in an orphanage in the Philippines. I like these ideas. They sound nice. They just aren't Africa. But I know God has things in mind. And he just didn't work it out at this time for me to go to Africa to work with the aids crisis or anything else that I had envisioned for FOREVER now. I am still excited. I just have to shift my focus from those beautiful black people I wanted to work with!

I will update and let everyone know the final word. I should hear back from the IMB within this week.

THis weekend was good. It was a weekened of painting our trailer, going to church and NOT thinking about homework. I was so stressed out by the end of friday I just decided to take two full days off. Me and Sam went to see The Nanny Diaries. It was really cute! And, our trailer is a lot more pleasing to the eye nowadays.

Friday was a rough day for me. But, Jessie promised to help me figure Ethnography out. I am going to her house on Thursday when she gets back from Texas to have her coach me on the course. I alread dropped and broke my first Ethnography box (full of 50 files). That was annoying. TEN DOLLARS down the drain. lol.

I'm really having a good time. It really doesn't sound like it. But, God is good. My friends are great. I am having the best year at college yet!!! So, that is an answer to prayer as most of you know.


Meredith said...

Thailand -- yay for Thai food. AND Thai tea. Hooray!

And Phillippines -- yay for cute Filipino kiddies.

Sounds like two WONDERFUL options there. :)

Portuguese Man O' War said...

The best year yet? That is great! I'm glad to hear that. Maybe you'll see Africa one day! Bangkok definitely was a cool place. If you go, be sure to ride the tuk tuks every day, but bargain because they will scam you! haha.

Nate said...

hey jess. its nate- no africa? im sorry. i have been thinking about you lately and i hope everything works out! call me up sometime, i want to hear how your life is going! peace :)