What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Cute Asian Babies


I was accepted with the IMB to go to the Philippines this next summer for my internship. I will be working in an orphange there with the Nehemiah groups. I am slowly turning my focus over to The Philippines. I love Asia. I am trying not to be sad about Africa. I am looking forward to doing this and working with cute asian babies!!! I might bring one home :) haha. The dates of the trip are June 5-July 31. So, I will be around for a small part of the summer. You guys can go ahead and be praying with me about this trip. I know it will stretch me and it is going to be a growing experience for sure! I also need to find someone to recruit to go with me. I already asked one person. You can pray that God shows her what to do!

This weekend is pretty low key. Meredith invited all of her english major friends over last night to watch a German film called the Edukators. It was pretty entertaining. I think if it were in English though I wouldn't have liked it as much. Me and Steph did our outlines last night. I am so annoyed with Ethnography right now.

I am about to head to the library and get some Ethnography done. I hate doing school work on a saturday. I have pretty much never done that in my college experience. This semester it is necessary though. Tonight Meredith is making fish. Talopia or something like that. And Amber is getting us all to watch Carmen the Opera with her. I may or may not be going with Ashley to this festival of hers. lol. So, the day is up in the air!

The weekend is going to be over way too fast. I can already tell....


Portuguese Man O' War said...

That's great that you're going to the Philippines! You're going to have a great time there with the little Asian kiddos. When we're all sleeping over here in the states you'll be changing diapers in the middle of the day. You're going to be the best American-Philippino there is! You will even look like a Philippino when it's all said and done. Congratulations!

Meredith said...

I think it's funny that your title is "CUTE ASIAN BABIES." That made me laugh.

I'm sorry you didn't get to try my talopia. I'll make it sometime next week! You just wait and see!

Nate said...

hey jess- just dropped in and wanted to say that ill be praying for you about your horrid class and your missions situation! hope you have a good and stressless week. -nathan