What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A True Friend

So, the break is winding down. I really only have a little less than two weeks left. That thought makes me sad. I am not ready to go back. I get used to something and it is hard for me to change agian. And that is the basis of a college students life: change. My life has brought lots of change these past few years. And it has brought a lot of growth.

With this new year there are lots of things I am scared of. Lots of things I know will stretch me and lots of things to look forward to. I have such a hard time leaving things where they belong sometimes. It is hard for me to leave my family especially. Even when I know I have to go.

I am going to be starting the book of James this next semester and studying it. It has always been a favorite of mine and lately I really feel like that is what God wants me to dive into next. IT is always an exciting thought to know God is not through with me yet and He has places to take me and things to show me.

My week has been busy but it has been good! We went to Ikea on Saturday as a family. That was fun. It would have been more fun but I was sick and throwing up! Lol. We are redecorating and furnishing the new house. I really like the new house! And, my mom is really a good decorator so she has it looking really nice! Something was broken though so me and my mom ended up going back on Monday. It was really nice to spend some time with her! We havne't really spent time like that together in a while!It was fun. ANd I was feeling a little bit better than before. So, we got to look more cause there were less people. I found lots of cute things to decorate my room with. I was going for a more mature look but one that was still kind of fun. I picked the colors brown and orange. That is really different for me! I hate orange. But, it looks nice for some reason in the room.

Me and my mom are going to paint the room next week and put up the curtains. It is starting to feel more homey. Before I just felt like I was sitting in an empty room by myself. It should look cute! Too bad by the time we get it done I won't be here to enjoy it much :(

I did get to spend the past two days with two of my favorite people: Saide Claire and Tina! I really miss Tina's friendship. I know she is always there for me. But, it isn' the same when I am far away. I love just hanging out with them. We haven't had a serious discussion about what is going on in our lives in a LONG time! I got to go with Tina to Kindermusik and hang out with Sadie. IT was a lot of fun!!! I really enjoyed it. Sometimes hanging out with her I am reminded of what a true friend looks like. And how I am lacking in quality friendships at Toccoa. She really is a true friend! And, I really did love hanging out with her and Sadie for a while. Sadie is getting so big! She cracks me up. I have to learn not to laugh at her when she does something she shouldn't. Because, quite honestly, it is kind of funny sometimes just because she is hilarious!

Anyways... I hoping that the rest of my break I just get to sit back and enjoy myself. I think I will just relax and enjoy the rest of the time I have. My birthday is next week and I will turn 21. So, that will be good!

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

That's a big dog in that picture. Good luck with your room!