What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tom's Shoes

Anyone out there who knows me. Knows I love shoes. And, you should also know I take a great interest in missions.

A couple months ago while we were in Athens, stuck at the library all day for Ethnography. I complimented a fellow classmate, Hannah Ito on her shoes. I asked where she got them. She told me they were Tom shoes. And that you can buy them online. And, for each pair you buy they also donate a pair to a child without shoes. At the time she bought hers their campaign was for South AFrica. So, when she bought a pair of shoes she was also buying a pair for kids in South Africa. The shoes are a little bit more expensive than shoes you would get at say, Payless. But, they are no more expensive than buying some shoes from a regular shoe store. And, they are more pricy because you are not only paying for your own shoes, but also for the shoes of a child who doesn't have any. They carry the CUTEST shoes EVER!!! Shannon Crawford had some on today. And, I asked her where she got hers because I thought they were adorable. And she told me about it again. She actually gave me the address to it:


I wanna buy a pair now. If I do, they will go to a child in Argentina! AWESOME! The shoes really are cute. You should go check them out.

On a much different note. I have to say I am really saddened by the death of Heath Ledger. And, I want everyone to know it isn't because I had a school girl crush on him. I am just saddened hearing the story. Apparently he had been filming the movie The Dark Knight. It was a Batman film in which he played the Joker. He claimed it was a rather demonic role. And, in order to get "In character" he locked himself in a hotel room for a month trying to relate to the part and get the posture and voice right for the part. He kept a journal as if he were the Joker. And, he found the role disturbing after getting into it. I could see why! But, I know that seems psycho. And it really kind of is, no wonder he was having issues with that. But, at the same time. He was having a hard time sleeping because he was so terrified by the role he had to play in that movie. Though he was done filming it, he apparently had insomnia because of it. He lived in fear of the part he was playing because it was so messed up. I guess to sum it up, I wish he weren't dead. I wish I could board a plane and go talk to him. I wish I could tell him about Jesus and how he doesn't have to be scared.I would tell him more than that of course. But, it saddens me to see these movies stars like Britney Spears and Heath Ledger go off the deep end. You know, I feel bad for them. THey are lost. They need Jesus. And, you can't really judge the lost, can you? They don't know any better. Maybe they do...I mean, they probaly do to some extent. But, they don't have a reason to be different. IT just makes me sad for them.

If I were cool enough I would maybe want to be a missionary to Hollywood. To all those stars. Their lives seem to be some of the most screwed up lives on the planet.

Anyways...Kue See is coming over sometime soon to teach me and PJ the Korean dance to the most popular song in South KOrea. It really makes me laugh!

I am looking forward to certain things this semester. But, I am not looking forward to all the work and some of the subjects I am taking! Lol.

In this world there's a whole lot of trouble, baby
In this world there's a whole lot of pain
In this world there's a whole lot of trouble
But a whole lot of ground to gain

Why take when you could be giving?
Why watch as the world goes by?
It's a long enough life to be living
Why walk when you can fly?

In this world there's a whole lot of sorrow
In this world there's a whole lot of shame
In this world there's a whole lot of sorrow
But a whole lot of ground to gain

When you spend your whole life wishing
Watching and wondering why
It's a hard enough life to be living
Why walk when you can fly?

In this world there's a whole lot of golden
In this world there's a whole lot of plain
In this world you've a soul for a compass
And a heart for a pair of wings

There's a star on the far horizon
Rising bright in an azure sky
But with the rest of the time you've been given
Why walk when you can fly

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

Get some of them shoes! Maybe I should get some too. Do they have them in men kind? ;)