What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Friday, January 11, 2008

Redecorating My Life

Well, there really isn't much to say. I am about to start my last week at home. It has gone by way too fast. I am not really ready for work again. Especially since I have been so sick lately. Hopefully it will get better REAL soon!

Today me and my mom are going to start painting my room. I am really excited! I like how it has turned out. I think I will like it even more when it is all finished and completely decorated. My room really did need a transformation! And, this way, my mom can redecorate it more easily if it ever needs another one. I have never had so much brown in all my life. I usually go for something like pink, yellow, blue, something that is bright. I never have really used neutral colors!

Next week is already planned out pretty much for me. SO, I am thinking that will make it go by even quicker :( But, I am looking forward to the things I have planned at the same time. haha. It will be a good week.

I am starting my study on James on Monday. I am wrapping up Ephesians this weekend. It is kind of weird to be done with something you have been a part of for so long. And looking back on how much God brought that book into my life while I was studying it kind of amazes me! I still have so much to learn about God's word. I think this is one good way to do it. Because if you take so long studying a book like that you actually remember what it is about, who wrote it, why they wrote it, etc. And, I wish I knew that about every book of the Bible.I want to start memorizing Ephesians. It would be really cool if I memorized the whole thing! After that, which will probably be a while, I can tackle James. I already have the fourth chapter of James memorized. So, I would have a tiny head start. haha. Anyways...I won't bore you all with the minor details of my life!


Portuguese Man O' War said...
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Portuguese Man O' War said...

That will make this the second brown room you painted this school year. Have fun!