What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving Is Over...But Here Comes Christmas!

So, this past week, I was at home! At my new home! I was really glad to be there because I really miss my family! It was nice to see them and spend some quality time with them.

I really like our new house. I think it is tied for my favorite that we have ever lived in.

I went home on Tuesday (a day early) and helped put some boxes and things away. My mom and sister had gotten pretty far in organizing the stuff. So, there wasn't too much left to accomplish. I spent Wednesday sleeping in and helping my mom cook. My grandparents, aunt and brother all got into town on Wednesday night.

On thursday morning I went with Grace, Sara and Andrew downtown and ran the 5K Turkey Trot race. I ran it in 28 minutes and I was a little sick. So, I am thinking if I had been feeling really good I would have run it in better time than that! It was pretty good I guess considering I used to run like a 14 minutes mile in highschool. lol. I was really out of shape then!!

That day my family just hung out around the house and ate WAY TOO MUCH food. We just enjoyed each other's company. Me and Grace made some christmas presents for some of my friends.

On Friday the girls of the family woke up early to go shopping. We got some good deals on things and I finished up my christmas shopping! It was nice! That night my Grandaddy took us all to Steak N Shake to eat dinner. Then we went to see the movie: Mr.Magorium's Wonder Emporium. lol.

Saturday was our christmas decorating day. We went and picked out our christmas tree. Because of the rain shortage this year there weren't as many to choose from. So, we settled on one that was short but really full. Molly named him "Chubbers". lol. We went to eat dinner at Cracker Barrel and then we went back home and spent the night decorating the tree and the house for Christmas!!

It was really nice to be at home. I had a great Thanksgiving. Here are some pictures from the week!

Well, here they all are. I can't really organize them the way I want to. But, I guess you can guess what is happening in them. Molly named our turkey Tom. haha. We fried him in a deep frier. And it was GOOD! Excuse the hideous face I am making in the picture to the right. lol. That really isn't what I look like when I eat a turkey leg. Promise!


Meredith said...

I like your movie review of Mr. Magorium's Wonder Imporium. "lol." I guess that means enough said? :)

Also, your turkey leg looks barbecued. I hope it isn't. That would be very unThanksgivingy.

Portuguese Man O' War said...

I'm glad you're back! (and probably a lot more than you are) I can see the Dr.-Horton-saw-over-the-head-picture has become a tradition. haha. And that's a monster turkey!