What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Friday, November 16, 2007

That's What Happens When...

Everything seems to be going extra slow today. And, you know those days when you are in a bad mood and so everything gets on your nerves? That's pretty much me. For today anyways. I am getting annoyed with people simply for looking at me. haha. It happens sometimes to the best of us.

I am ready for Thanksgiving Break.

The weather is really throwing me off. One day it was 75 outside and the very next it dropped down to a high of 51. My body can't handle that! But, I am glad it is finally getting cold outside. It feels more like Christmas time that way!

I am ready to see my family again!

God has been teaching me a lot lately. I think what He has been teaching me overall though is to make sure I am serving God! There are plenty of people who call themselves christians who are following "God". They think He is the true God but in all actuality He is just another god they have made up in their heads. I don't want to make God out to be what I want Him to be. I want to serve Christ for who He really is, instead of who I have made Him out to be. You can only know who Christ really is through studying His word, spending time with Him and obeying His commands.

God has also taught me that plenty of people justify what htey do in this day and age. Plenty of people are screwing up their lives, making bad choices and claim God has led them to do these actions. I never want to be making horrible mistakes and claim I am doing them in the name of Jesus.

We are pretty illiterate christians these days. We don't know what the bible says. So, we make it up as we go along. We justify ourselves. We tell ourselves we are in the will of God when really we are going against Christ in pretty obvious ways. We also tell ourselves Christ is one thing when He is actually not like that at all.

Is this making sense?

I just don't want to do these things. I think God is challenging me constantly to go deeper and know the true Him.

The world is screwed up nowadays. Christians are half of the problem.

We have been reading Dante's Inferno in World Literature class. And it has been a good picture for me of what we are like without Christ. We have lost all intellectual truth. Without Christ we live to please ourselves. We live to gratify our desires in anyway possible. God is about denying ourselves and our desires. It is uncomfortable following Christ. You have to give up things you want to hold on to. And the story has been good for showing me that if you live your whole life just gratifying yourself you are going to look back and realize it was all worthless. You will spend eternity wishing you had done things differently. It is pointless to live to please ourselves. We have to stop telling ourselves it is!

Anyways...a small glimpse of what I have been learning. I am off to class!

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

I have had sort of an annoying week in some ways. I had some money stolen from me! Pray I somehow figure out how to get it back??? Or rather, that someone will just feel convicted for taking money from someone elses wallet. SAD!

This weekend will be good! I am going to be bored tomorrow though. I will be in a library all day long!

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

Good thoughts! However, don't you mean World Lit? ;)