What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A Recap of 2010!

Now for a recap of the year 2010:

1. In January: I turned 23 and there was the biggest snow fall I have EVER seen.

2. In February: Mine and Jonathan's first nephew/neice was born: JONAH ZAVIER MELIN!

3. In March: My little sister turned 14. WOW! Still can’t believe it.

4. In April: I experienced my first Hurricanes Hockey game.

5. In May: Me and jonathan had our last date before we got married at the cutest little drive in. Jonathan moved into our new apartment!

6. In June: : I got married June 12th and then went on a honeymoon to Paris and Switzerland!!!! And it was my last month working at Chick Fil A.

7. In July: Jonathan finally turned 23. Haha. And I got to go on vacation with my family to Gatlinburg. I stared a new job at an eye doctor’s office as a technician.

8. In August: I saw Mary Poppins Broadway in Charlotte, NC with my girlfriends!

9. In September: Me and Jonathan went to Washington D.C. for the first time (well that, we could remember anyways). I got to visit Grace on the way back home at the IMB ranch in Virginia! Jonathan entered a drum competition and did an AWESOME job! HE made it past the first round and in my opinion, was jipped out of going farther. I lost my job at the eye doctor’s office. It was an eventful month.

10. In October: Me and Jonathan got our pumpkin from a pumpkin patch. Something I have never done before. And we carved it into the Eiffel Tower. We also had a Halloween party with our friends.

11. In November: On November 8th, I started my new job at Workplace Options. One of the best places I could work I believe. I also got to go home for the first time in five months for Thanksgiving! It was a wonderful visit!

12. In December: I had a White Elephant gift party with my friends at my apartment. An Ornament gift exchange party with some friends. Attempted to make cake balls (more complicated than it appears). And Me and Jonathan had quite an adventure getting our first tree together. My favorite thing though is that we went home for Christmas. It was a WHITE CHRISTMAS! I only wish we could see family more often!

It has been a good and eventful year! I imagine it will be hard for 2011 to beat 2010. I mean, afterall, I did GET MARRIED and go to Europe!! haha. But I am looking forward to it being a good year!

My New Year's Resolutions (which I have avoided making for the past couple years now):

1. Read through the entire bible again.

2. Memorize a chapter of of the Bible (haven't decided which one yet).

3. Work on one aspect of my personality that needs improvement.

4. Lose 5 pounds.


Alias said...
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Jonathan said...

A very fun and eventful year! Best year yet! Those are some good goals for the year. I'm here to support you and help any way I can!

BHorton said...

You have been richly and abundantly blessed.
Good to remember on the slower and less eventful days.

You had a great year and God provided abundantly.

Love DAD

allcedars said...

A definitely eventful year!!! I'm blessed to know you. I hope i can visit you in the summer!

Grace said...

WOW. HUGE year. Can't wait to see what the next ones bring. :) Love you!