What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Amelia Bedelia and Me.

Growing up I loved to read Amelia Bedelia. I am shocked by how many people have not heard of these books. MAN, you really are missing out. They are so cute.

Maybe the reason I love Amelia Bedelia so much is because I can relate to her. If I had to pick a character out of a book that was most like me she just might be it. haha.

If you aren't familiar with her let me tell you who she is. Amelia Bedelia is a house keeper who has the best intentions. However, she ends up doing everything wrong. For Instance, in one of my favorite books of her she is given a list of things to complete while the home owners are away for the day.

This list includes things like:

1. Dress the turkey.
2. Draw the curtains

Amelia literally put the turkey in a cute little dress and bonnet. And then she proceeds to sit in front of the curtains and draw the most lovely picture of the windows and curtains. haha. Amelia takes everything literally.

I have found myself doing that over the years when people tell me to do things. Maybe not to the extreme Amelia does them though. haha.

I looked these books up on Amazon yesterday and read through one. They are only like 3 dollars each. They are for sure being added to my book collection one day when I have children.

What children's books are your favorite?

On a slightly different note but one that still makes me incredibly blonde like Amelia Bedelia, I have just learned two new important things in life:

1. Whenever I was going to pay for gas with cash at the gas station, I would sit there and literally try to count out the exact amount the gas costs. You guys know this is a challenge for me. I even asked once that the guy behind the counter help me with the math. This was due to the fact that I thought if you went over in how much you paid them, they got to keep the extra money. My friend just informed me the other day that if you over pay all you have to do is walk back in and get your change. MAN. That could've saved me a lot of trouble. I have given several gas stations extra money.

2. I just learned that Alaska is above California and Washington. Not above New York. I told Jonathan we should just drive up there sometime. HAHA. He was like,"That would take many many days." You know, I used to think you had to take a boat to get to Alaska. Then I learned it was attached to Canada and you can drive. Now I am learning it is on the opposite side of the United States than I thought it was. My friend Sarah Beth told me this isn't my fault because on every map they put Alaska in a little box like it's floating in the middle of nowhere. haha.

I agree with Sarah Beth. This is not my fault. ha.


Jonathan said...

I'm embarrassed to associate with you sometimes! haha.

Grace said...

I just need for you to know that when I read that about Alaska, I laughed out loud heartily for a good minute. ;)

Unknown said...

I used to read Amelia Bedelia too!! and loved it. Hilarious. :)