What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Monday, January 10, 2011

Dust.: a beast of an enemy.

This is going to be a very girly post. I will go ahead and apologize to any guys who might read. Including my husband. Although, he is required to listen to me even if I am saying something completely girly. He's the one that is not allowed to run in the other direction. haha. LUCKY!!! Right Jonathan?

For the past couple years of my life I have had issues with dusting. No one makes a good product. NO ONE. You end up dusting and there will be oil spots, streaks, things that dry leaving random puddles of things. I've always hated dusting. Because you have to move everything in order to do it. Only to have to put it back. But the thing I hate the most about dusting? It's greasy. It's nasty. And when you get done you have no satisfaction. You can be satisfied that the dust is gone (cause it is). But you are dissatisfied as well looking at all the random streaks and spots on your furniture. My poor husband. For the longest he would leave his books on his night stand. I would come along, dust, and put them back. Next time he went to pick up the pile he got oil all over his hands. I have tried :




I have even just tried using a duster. NONE of it works.

But, don't be distraught thinking there is no answer. Because recently, I found this:

It's the answer to all of my dusting issues. Seriously. It comes out in a wonderful light mist. It doesn't leave things oily. It helps resist dust for a week. And it makes everything shiny and like new. I couldn't really ask for more. Now lets hope they don't take it off the market like all my other favorite things. haha.

Really, if you were an old woman like me you would realize how exciting this is. What's more exciting? I got my bottle for one dollar. Cause I had a coupon and it was doubles week at Harris Teeter. haha.

One more good thing: It is also anti-alerginic....meaning it won't make you sneeze. Which is an added plus because Jonathan is allergic to everything.

That still doesn't make up for all the money wasted on the most awful dusting products ever. But at least we are making progress.

Maybe you can benefit from all my knowledge? ha

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Eureka! That is good news. No more greasy furniture. I'm a little confused though...."if you were an old woman like me"...