What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Turning 24.

Twenty Four. It doesn't seem that old, right? I think it kind of does to me. Mainly because once I reach 25 I am on the upward slope to 30. And then I will just keep ascending into this incline of oldness. haha. Is oldness even a word? Apparently it is, because spell checker isn't even correcting it with that little red squiggle.

My best friend told me, "Now that you are 24 we have to have a night of facials and makeovers". Hmm....does that mean that my age is starting to wear on me? In some ways I feel that way.

As I get older, my birthdays have been marked with things that remind me I am no longer a child. This year specifically. This year my birthday was full of people. Friends. Family. Co-workers. And a reminder that this is what matters the most in life. Relationships.

I have been given a husband who will cook a wonderful breakfast for me. Who knows all my favorite things. Who knows me. Someone who will drive thirty minutes to hang a happy birthday banner in a tree at my work place and have everyone stare at him like he's a freak just to make me smile on my birthday. One who will buy me gifts. But more importantly will remind me of his love all day long. And who more importantly will encourage me to do what's right. And remind me of what it looks like to be a loving and forgiving person.

I am blessed.

I have been blessed with a wonderful family. Who drove down to eat dinner with me for only an hour or so. So that they could celebrate my birthday with me. Who baked me a cake and brought me gifts. And not just on my birthday, but every day make me feel loved and appreciated. This is the kind of family who would do anything for me if I needed them to. The kind that would love me regardless of what I did to hurt them. The kind that is peaceful and full of love. The kind that taught me about christ and what really matters in life. The kind that has done so much for me I could never repay them.

I couldn't ask for a better family. God has blessed me beyond measure with them.

I have been blessed with an amazing group of friends. The kind of friends who would drop anything for me. The kind who will travel 9 hours to be there days early for my wedding. They will sweat and not worry about themselves getting ready for the wedding in order to help out. Friends who care about me enough to look me in the face and tell me when I'm wrong. The kind of friends who if I called them and said I was upset and needed them right then would drive to come see me any time, day or night. The kinds of friends who will get me tickets to Beauty in the Beast all the way in Atlanta and pay for all the expenses of the trip.

They are great. That's just what they did. For my birthday they drove with me down to Atlanta to watch a broadway show. They decorated the house in balloons and streamers and got me presents. They did way more than they ever should have. To show me that they care about me. I'm very undeserving.

When I got to work yesterday my co-workers had decorated my cubicle. They had baked me a birthday cake. Everyone wished me a happy birthday and stopped by to ask me what my plans were for the day and things like that. I am grateful to work at a place where people genuinely care about one another.

Most importantly, I have been blessed with a Savior. One who loved me and saved me from eternity in hell. There is nothing in me that should make Him do this. But He did it anyways. And is an example to me of how to live my life. A savior who brings hope into the worst of circumstances. Who makes it possible to truly live this life.

I am such a blessed person. I was reminded of that on my birthday.

As I get older and am no longer sheltered from the weight of this world and it's troubles, I realize this more and more. God has been very gracious on my life.

I have seen my family and friends hurting because of hardships coming into their lives. People on the verge of losing husband's to cancer that they just married. Families in danger of losing a father at such a young age it breaks my heart. And this has all reminded me, especially on my birthday, that I have been given the greatest gifts in the world. I should not take them for granted. And I should live life to the fullest.

Gifts don't matter. They do fade or go out of style. They fall apart and break. Relationships matter. And I have been given some amazing relationships.

So on my 24th birthday I was reminded of relationships. And how they are not always a guarantee. So I should not take them for granted. And how grateful I am for all the relationships in my life. God has blessed me. This birthday was a little sad in some ways, thinking about reality. But it was also a wonderful reminder.


Jonathan said...

A great post! A very positive outlook on things. I'm glad I'm a part of your life!

Carlye Jean Rankin said...

I agree with Jonathan; this was a great post! I can see so much how you have grown up just in this one post. I sure do miss you and need to get Nathan to take a trip to your area! :-D One comment I would love to make is this: I am already on the slope to 30! You have brought this to my eyes! haha Love you!