What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A New Life!

I am officially an aunt! I have decided it's pretty crazy the love you can feel in your heart instantly for someone. Someone you have never shared a conversation with. Someone who has done nothing to make you love them. But this is the way I felt the moment I saw my new neice, Kyleigh Grace Eller. She is a beautiful creation of God and I am already praying for her heart! I love her so much! I imagine this is how a mother feels on even a bigger scale!

She was born on January 26, 2011 and weighed 6 lbs 15 ounces and was 21 inches longs. She is in the top 75th percentile for her length. Crazy huh? Maybe she'll be the height of my brother ben? Whose to know? Heights do come in the family genes. haha.

Anyways, I was very lucky to get to take off of work for a day and spend a long weekend with my family and holding her. It blows my mind how hours can pass and you don't even know it. And all you've been doing is holding and looking at a baby. Not sure why it's so fascinating. haha. But she is a very cute baby!

Here are some pictures:

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Six and a half foot tall women are pretty rare, so being as tall as Ben might be out of the question. Being as tall as me...now there's a good chance.