What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I know it has been a while since I updated. I can't even begin to describe how crazy my life was before I got married and settled into my new apartment. Trying to juggle a 35 hour a week job, classes/homework, relationships, moving and wedding details was almost more than I could handle! It's nice to be on the flip side of all of that!

My wedding was beautiful. My mom did such a wonderful job with everything. And I am very thankful to have a mother who is creative and can keep a level head when the pressure is rising! I wouldn't have wanted anyone else going through all of the planning with me! Here is a link to some of the pictures:


I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. THe only thing I wish I could have differently is how foggy everything was to me while it was happening. I was so busy and had so much going on that my wedding day is kind of a blur. Which is pretty sad for something you spend time planning. Luckily, I have pictures and video. But, if I could relive a day I think it might be that one!

I also had the most wonderful honeymoon. God blessed us tremendously. We were able to go on a honeymoon to Paris, France and Zermatt, Switzerland. I have always wanted to go to Paris! And it was real sweet of Jonathan to make that happen. I know he worked extra hard.

Me and France go hand in hand. They believe in five main food groups: cheese, meat, bread and chocolate. Incidentally, those also happen to be my five main food groups. So, we got along great. The food was amazing. And the cute little cafes where you eat were really nice. I had never dreamed though that people would not speak english to us. haha. It was definitely an adventure trying to speak over there. We saw every main sight there is to see! If you want to see pictures of that check out my facebook!

Switzerland was an entirely different world than France. It was so beautiful. It was around 40 degrees down in the valley when we were there. So it was weird coming back from such cold weather to it being 100 degrees outside. Switzerland was so clean and quaint. It was just adorable. They have the most beautiful, clearest water. We rode a train up several thousand feet over the mountains to Zermatt. It was a cute little German town with the Alps in plain view. We decided to ride the sky lift up 12,000 feet on top of the Klein Matterhorn so we could see the Big Matterhorn. I have honestly never wanted to cry before just looking at God's creation (even though I have seen some beautiful things). But, to be honest, I came pretty close to losing it as we came up out of the clouds and were overlooking the Alps above the clouds. I could've stayed up there forever on the mountain top overlooking such a gorgeous view. People were up there singing hymns. And it reminded me that you really can't see something that awesome and not think of God. It was pretty awesome and I definitely would not trade the experience for anything. I was VERY VERY sad when we left Zermatt.

It was a wonderful honeymoon. It was ten days long. It made it that much harder to come back to reality.

But I have had a wonderful time getting our house set up. We have been decorating and hanging out with friends quite a bit. Unfortunately right now me and Jonathan are on completely opposite schedules so we rarely see one another. I can't complain, we still see each other more than we did before we got married.

Our first full day together in a long time was on Jonathan's birthday. For his birthday we went to play Putt Putt and LAser Tag. Then we went and ate at a chinese restaurant and saw the movie Robin Hood. It was a really good day!

God has blessed me with a new job (so no more Chick Fil A). I am going to be a technician at an eye doctor's office. I am really looking forward to it! My boss is a christian and the girls I am going to be working with are also seminary wives who are going on the mission field. I get benefits and it pays well. It's Monday-Friday 9-5. So I finally get weekends and evenings off of work. I am really really looking forward to it!

As for now, there aren't too many marriage adventures to tell you about. I love being married though! It's a good thing! I will have more exciting things to come in the days ahead (I will try to blog more now that life has calmed down a little bit).


Grace said...

YAY!!!! I'm SO excited that you're married, that you're blogging again AND that you loved Zermatt! It's one of my favorite places in the world. I can't wait to see you and hear more about your trip!!!

Jonathan said...

"They believe in five main food groups: cheese, meat, bread and chocolate".......It wouldn't be a blog update without something for me to make fun of! What's the fifth one, my dear?