What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's been "My Pleasure" Chick Fil A...

Have you ever run more than a couple miles? The first couple are the hardest. You have to push through the pain to get to the part that is a little easier. Running is all about endurance. I feel like my job at Chick Fil A is just like that. The first couple hours are the most painful. If you can get past the first four or so, you can make it. It's all about endurance. Endurance to deal with all the crazy annoying people that you come into contact with.

God has so richly blessed my life lately. And therefore, He has also blessed me with a new job. Honestly, I might go crazy if I had to keep working at Chick Fil A. Because I never have a set schedule. Some nights I get home at eleven. Some days I wake up at 6:00 AM. I never know. But one thing I can be guaranteed: my schedule will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS be opposite of Jonathan's schedule.

God has definitely used my job at Chick Fil A to prepare me for the future. Honestly, it has taught me how to stick something out even when I hate it. It has taught me to work my hardest even when I hate what I am doing, simply because my best is what I should always give. It has taught me to rise above my feelings. It has taught me patience with people. I have been stretched. I have learned so much about relating to people of all ages. I have been stuck with the crazies, the wierdos, the snobs, the drop-outs, the polites. I have gotten all kinds of people. I really do believe this has not only prepared me for my upcoming job (It's at an eye doctors office being a Technician) but it has also prepared me for a lifetime of ministry.

I guess I am sort of a sentimental person. And even the end of an era in my life I have hated with a passion in some ways, is also kind of sad. I really loved the people I worked with at chick Fil A. My bosses were so loving and understanding. And I was blessed to have at least that.

So, in order to say "Good-Bye" to my time at Chick Fil A, I have compiled a list of my most loved/hated (you can decide which is which) moments at Chick Fil A:

1. The time someone ordered "The Fluffy One" and that was supposed to translate that they wanted to order a milkshake. This person was well over 30 years of age.

2. Chick Fil A comes with several cheesy lines that define who they are. Such as, whenever someone says "Thank You" we have to reply, "My Pleasure". Another thing we ALWAYS have to do is when someone wants a refill, we have to ask them if they will remove their lid first. At the beginning of my time at the restaurant I would say, "Will you please take off your top for me?" As you can imagine (getting all sorts of customers) this led to a string of completely nasty and inappropriate comments. You can bet though, after a couple of times of nasty remarks, I changed up my wording.

3. There was this middle schooler who came in every week. And he made SURE he got in line at my register. Why? He had discovered that every time someone said "thank you" we had to reply with "my pleasure". So this led to weeks upon weeks of him coming in and standing at my register for ten minutes. HE would sit there and say "Thank You" about EVERYTHING. When I replied with, "My Pleasure" he would giggle like a little girl. Seriously, I am not sure why this amused him so much. But, it provided him with hours of entertainment. And there were a couple times I wanted to just be like,"Look, go away kid. I am pretty sure my manager would not mind me telling you to leave me alone".

4. The time it was "Cow Appreciation Day" and everyone came in dressed like a cow for free food. This will bring out people's weirdness even more than any other time. There were a whole range of weird things going on. But, one lady came in with a white jogging outfit on. She had her black underwear on top of her white outfit. And somehow she thought this qualified her as a cow. NEWS FLASH: It SO does not.

5. We have like eight different kinds of sauces at Chick Fil A. One of my least favorite questions is,"What kind of sauce do you have?" This always launches me into a two minute listing of our many sauces. Then I have to explain what they taste like since no one has ever heard of them before. We have one sauce called Polynesian sauce. And no one can remember how to pronounce it. I have gotten so many comments from, "I would like your polysneezsion Sauce" (ew) to "I would like your Palmeranian Sauce" Or even "I would like your Caucasian Sauce". Oh brother. Why is it so difficult?

6. The day when the power went out for an hour and a half for absolutely NO reason. I got stuck in the parking lot in the 100 degree weather handing out coupons and telling people we didn't have food. I got stranded with this one creepy old man who someone got launched into this story about a fast food chain back in the day called "Fish N Chips" (somehow connected to KFC). I was only saved when my boss looked out the window, saw me, and came up with a "different job" for me. Thank goodness for bosses who look out for me.

7. There is a creepy old man who comes in and calls me "Jessica with the beautiful smile" I dread seeing him walk through the door.

8. The week the bank ended up giving us wheat pennies instead of current pennies. People were coming in to buy coins instead of food.

9. The day I was working in the dining room and the little boy barfed all over the booth I was about to clean up...

10. The day that the truck with a U-Haul came through and ran into our drive-through pavilion.

Man, I have so many good stories from working there. I will really miss the strange characters and the people. I will miss my co-workers and bosses. But I got to be honest, I will not miss the work. :)


Jonathan said...

Hooray for the new job! Those are some funny stories. Can't wait to hear about all the blind old people saying strange things to you at your new job.

Grace said...

Hahahahahahaha. :) Side note: From now on, I'm always going to call milkshakes "the fluffy one."

Charles & Amber Vincent said...

Congratulations on your new job! :) I'm really, REALLY happy for you! But way to stick it out and find a silver lining (however small, faint, and distant) in working at Chick Fil A. That's really admirable. :)