What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Friday, July 16, 2010

What I Love...

I remember the first time I realized it. I had just put on a red sleeveless dress for a talent show in the youth group. We were set up to do a dance that meant we had to raise our arms repeatedly. The song was "Santa Clause is Coming to Town". My armpits had been burning. So, I looked down at them and realized it looked like someone had clawed them to death. I had no clue what was going on with them. But this started years of being allergic to every kind of deodorant known to man. I went through a phase where I could only wear spray deodorant and I had to switch every month or so... way before the bottle was even empty. TONS of money has been wasted on deodorant for me over the years.

Also, I have issues with my hair. I could use a shampoo for a month or so and then my hair would start looking SERIOUSLY oily. So I would constantly be switching products. My room mates would mock me because I had so many different kinds of shampoos. But I knew there was not a day too far in the future where I would have to revert back to the kind I used a year ago. So I would keep the old bottles handy.

I found out I had "sensitive skin". Of course this also means I have to be careful what laundry detergent I use.

Seriously, maybe I should be put in a bubble? Not only am I sensitive to things. But now I am married to someone who seems to be allergic to everything on the face of the planet. Therefore, not only do I have to put up with his never ending sneezing until I finally fall asleep. But I also have to look out for what I use to wash his clothes and whatnot. haha (I really don't mind).

These may seem like vain issues. However, it's really not fun for your armpits to be burning all the time. Nor is it fun for your scalp or arms and legs to be itching. I have only found things that worked because my friends would recommend things. Thus begins a list of things that I LOVE (and trust me, with how picky my skin is, it's no wonder I ever find anything that isn't super expensive). I figured me passing it on (like friends have done for me, or like a magazine has suggested) would maybe help some other people find some affordable products. Not to mention products that actually work.

!. Herbal Essence Body Envy Shampoo and Conditioner in White Nectarine. Not only does this smell like gummy bears (this may sound like a nasty thing. But seriously, just take a whiff...it's great) but it isn't very expensive and your hair actually looks good afterwards.

2. Secret Soothing Effects Deodorant (Calming Garden is my favorite). Ok, this one is a little bit more expensive. But if you have arm pits like mine it's so worth it. My arm pits never burn anymore and the stuff smells amazing!!!

3. Tide detergent with just a touch of downy. This stuff smells amazing AND it makes your clothes super soft. If you buy the jumbo size you end up saving a lot of money and it comes close to the price of the cheaper kind.

4. Target sells off brands in almost everything. And I have NEVER found any bath product in the target off brand (up & up) that wasn't just as good as the name brand item.

5. Caress Tahitian renewal body wash. It smells like summer. You can get the up&up brand of this at target for $3 cheaper!!! Looks and smells the EXACT same.

6. The Pioneer Woman blog has lots of quick, easy, and yummy recipes. There are HUNDREDS. So if you are looking to add some new things to your menu rotations. It's a wonderful place to look: www.thepioneerwoman.com

7. ETSY! This is a website of young artists and people who haven't quite made it to being a big name yet. The website has jewelry, clothes, art work, etc.. for cheap. There is lots of cool stuff on there. Just google it.

8. King of Queens. I know this show has gone off of the air. But it is HILARIOUS and most of the time really clean too. It is always good to have something to help you unwind.

9. RADICAL by David Platt. Reading it right now. I only ask you to read it if you are willing to change LOTS of things about your way of life. It will make you uncomfortable. But it's also AMAZING!!!

10. Voddie Baucham, JD Greear, David Platt, Mark Driscol, Matt Chandler, Alvin Reid, Darin Patrick and I will even throw in Dr. Daniel Akin (because he really is awesome) some very solid preachers/artists that you MUST check out!

11. The message "Gospel-Centered Preaching" by Darin Patrick is probably one of the best sermons I have EVER heard. And you can listen to it here: http://www.sebts.edu/news-resources/chapel/default.aspx
Just scroll down to the Thursday April 8 section and you will see a link to it. This page also contains some sermons by some of the awesome pastors/authors I named before.

12. TLC. The best television channel if you are a woman.

13. PG Tips Tea. My room mate from college, Meredith Beck introduced me to it. It is the BEST when it comes to hot tea.

14. Me You and the World by Dave Barnes. Wonderful cd.

15. This Moment by Steven Curtis Chapman. only cd I have ever found blatantly about Missions. Since that is the beat of my heart, I LOVE this cd. I can relate to it so well!

16. Joshua Project. A website that I was introduced to in college that shows you all the unreached people groups of the world, their religion, and their population. It's a good website to use to just pick a different people group everyday to pray for. Praying for people to GO and praying that these people will hear the Gospel. It gives you a world view that is much bigger than just your little sphere and reminds you of bigger things. I think it just helps give a bigger and better perspective.

17. The youtube video: Nail Salon - Anjelah Johnson - Comedy Time. It will make more sense and be funnier to women. But it's really funny. And Anjelah Johnson does some funny stuff. And the youtube video: Baby panda sneezing. I'm sorry, it just makes me smile! I love it!

18. Baby Powder. In the Philippines they would have massive amounts of it. I would go to feed the children lunch and would bring it with me and "powder them up". It was a really fast way to cool down, soak up sweat and oil and make you feel refreshed. I am now addicted. It's one of the most wonderful tricks in the summer. Especially for your face. Just put a little in your hands, rub them together and then past it all over your face. You'll soon be addicted too. And, it's cheap.

19. Bojangles. I just discovered it. IT's really big up here. Anyways, they have the best chicken and biscuits. And it is cheap. Me and Jonathan both eat there for 9 bucks!

20. Red Box. I am sure you all have heard of it by now. But Blockbuster and Movie Gallery started charging like 5 dollars to rent a movie for ONE night. Red Box only makes you pay $1. It's so much more affordable if you want to rent a movie that just came out!

If you LOVE something that I didn't name leave me a comment. I like trying new things!


allcedars said...

this makes me smile. And I like the new layout of your blog! :)

Jonathan said...

Man, I thought it was all girl products until you got to other stuff. Way to save yourself from completely boring me with the names of all the stuff that makes you smell nice. Some good "likes"!

Michael Airgood said...

I laughed so hard while reading this. I can't even explain why. Haha.

Grace said...

I "borrowed" some of your gummy bear conditioner this weekend. I concur with your decision. Definitely a favorable experience. ;) ha!