What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Monday, September 29, 2008


This past week went by super fast. I was really glad it did! I have realized more and more over the years a concept about myself that never seems to be a good quality: I hate being in the same place for too long. Don't get me wrong. I HATE change at the beginning. I hate awkward stages where you are starting over and don't know anyone. I hate the unfamiliar. I mean, when I go into a restaurant I will always order the same things. Because I don't want to brach out. I am scared of things I don't know. Even when it's silly. But, there are some things about life that become so monotonous and I really love taking a break from them. The one exception to this rule is home. It will never get old to me.

I have realized this more as I have gotten older. Part of me hates routine because it gets so boring. But part of me loves it because it is familiar to me. I have realized my senior year is bascially just me going through the motions. Because I am pretty sick of school at this point. Maybe I only get that way when the end is in sight? But, I generally hate the routine of going to classes, doing the same work, hearing the same things, everday is the same. I know I should soak it up and enjoy it. Because I don't have long to go! So, that is what I am trying to do!

I love living with the girls in my house. I like college, but I hate the work that comes with it. IT is rewarding in some respects to work really hard at something and then succeed! However, when you've been doing this for three years you get sick of having to read eleven books in one semester. I feel like I don't even have time for what they expect out of me. But, nontheless I will make it work. I always do.

So, there really isn't much to say about last week. It was just like any other week at school: I was doing homework, eating or sleeping.

The only different thing about last week was I didnt have a car, so I was stuck at school with nowhere to go. But, there were some good memories: I got to ride around with Meredith who decided to drive literally like 28 mph on Big A. Everyone was passing us and I was just thinking,"Man, I could run faster than this!" lol. I wouldn' have gotten that experience without not having a car! And now I can mock here relentlessly about it! I did get to go on a date with Jonathan to the new Isabelle's Restaurant and we went to see the movie, "The Family That Preys". It was fun! I cooked Roast, brown rice, rolls and stuff for the first time. I also got to invite bunch of friends over to eat it since a lot of the girls in the house were gone.

And, this weekend I got to go home for my dad's birthday. Thankfully, he was nice enough to use his birthday celebration weekend to help me find a car. So, on Saturday we went car shopping. To be honest, I was a little sad starting out knowing that I couldn't really find anything to love as much us Girdie. However, nothing really compares to your very first car does it? And, I now can look back nad say I was really lucky because I got an amazing car for my first one ever! And, I am so thankful for that.

Anyways...after much looking around and test driving I decided upon a red 2009 Scion xD. I LOVE it! I am so glad to have a new car. I drove it all the way back to school last night. It is pretty awesome!

We also got to celebrate my dad's birthday. I was so glad to have everyone (but Ben) at home. It was a lot of fun! My dad got a new game for the Wii so we all played that. It's a pretty funny game!

Here are some pictures from the weekend:


Portuguese Man O' War said...

If nothing will ever compare to Bowser, my first car, then I'm in trouble for the future!

Bryan Bridges said...

I got to play a wii for the first time last month...it was interesting...unlike any video game I've ever played.

allcedars said...

Yay Gershwin!

Boo homework!

I love you!

And I had JUST woken up when I was driving super-slow. You should not hold that against me. I didn't even realize that I was going slow. I was TIRED. Would you have wanted me to go REALLY fast when I had just woken up? I think not.