What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My First Blog In Forever....

It's been a while. I took a break from blogging after returning from the Philippines. It was a much needed break from everything. Especially since it took me almost an hour to type each blog I wrote while I was there.

What have I been up to since then? The weeks I was home I spent hanging out with my family, seeing some friends and trying to catch up on sleep. I really didn't do anyting super productive. At times it was a hard transition. I still cry because I miss the kids sometimes. I didn't realize how hard it would be to leave them and go a world away. It almost seems like those two months were a dream. Coming home I was scared the things God taught me would somehow fade like they do sometimes when you go to summer camp or something. However, as I have gotten further away from the trip I have realized that a lot of the lessons I learned have stuck! Nothing could've prepared my heart for how much I would miss those kids though. Especially MJ. I wish I could see them again!!! I have come to appreciate some things about America and have come to despise others because of my trip overseas. But, I am working at readjusting even still. I am speaking about my trip at church on Septmeber 14th. The further away from the trip I get though, the harder I feel it is to talk about. I hope it goes well.

I moved into school almost a two weeks ago now. I am living in a little house called Wildwood with five other girls. I have to say, I think Senior year will be the best one yet! I am really looking forward to it. Our little house it cozy and way more spacious than anything I have had in the past. I am still trying to get over feeling claustrophobic though when I sleep. I have the bottom bunk and this year for some reason the bunks are super close together so that I can't even sit up when I am in bed.

The girls in our house bought a kiddie pool that we set out front. Yeah, we are a little weird. lol. But, it is really funny. We have yet to get into it! Maybe one day soon! I absolutely love the girls I live with though! I am realy enjoying having such amazing Godly women in my life that I can always hang out with! We have been switching off nights to cook in the house. Each one of us takes a different night and cooks dinner for the rest of us. Since there are six of us, and we only cook dinner four nights a week, we each get a week off every two weeks! It has worked out really well so far. I have found myself eating a lot more healthy. I mean, technically anything is healthier than the cafeteria! But, I have gotten quite a few new recipes from our meals together! ANd I really enjoy getting to sit down with all the people I live with and just chat.

My week looks like this:

M,W,F: I wake up at 5:00 AM and go to the YMCA to work out. I get back around 6:20 and get ready. I also eat breakfast. I have an 8:00 class and then at 9:00 I get to come back to the house o relax and do my devotion. Ten is chapel and then I have my FUndamentals of Music class. I take my lunch break at 12:00 and usually go back to the house and cook an omelet or some soup and eat some yogurt with it. I have my World Religions class at 1:00 and my Senior Paper class at 2:00. My senior paper class is slowly frustrating me. I learned MLA formatting in highschool. However, now APA seems to be the format that people want you to write your papers in. So, I am having to learn how to write papers all over again. I am also struggling with my music classes. I feel a little lost. But, if I can stick it out and try really hard I think I will appreciate it later. And, that is what I intend to do. Up until this point in my life I have quit everything that pertains to music in my life. And I deeply regret doing so.

Tuesday and Thursday is a less complicated. It's my favorite day because I get to sleep until 9:00. I then go to chapel and go from there to my Aural Skills class. I get done with all of my classes at 12 on those days and get the rest of the day for homework. As well as attending my aerobics class around 4:30.

I have been stressing over a powerpoint I have due on Saturday lately. I have to present a ten minute power point presentation on my internship this Saturday to all of the World Missions professors. To me that is really intimidating. And since I can't really do what they asked in the syllabus (but they know this)I am a little confused about what to do. At this point I have redone my powerpoint three times so I am a little frustrated! Hopefully that will go well!

I feel like I have been just really busy with everything lately. Homework is keeping me really busy. I have so many papers to write and so many books to read already. It will definitely be a busy semester. I had my teacher ask me if I was having a slower semester since I had less hours than I normally did. My reply was,"You know, I thought I would. But since I am a senior now I just have more hard work than I used to. So I am spending as much time as I would doing work as I did when I had more hours."

God coninues to teach me so many new things each day, as well! I am constantly amazed at His faithfulness to me even when I am so unfaithful in my relationship with Him at times! I am blown away by His love and I realize more and more as I get older what a perfect and matchless love He has for me. I want to be satisfied in Him and Him alone. I want Him to be the center of my life. I am praying that my prayer life will continue to grow like i did this summer!

Oh...one last thing...all last week our campus was getting tons of rain. And since we have a waterfall and river on our campus it was not a pretty sight! Lol. The river was overflowing and flooding our campus. Also, the waterfall was close to looking like Niagra Falls.

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

I was wondering when you'd finally write again. Glad to have you back! I am also impressed with your typing this time around. There aren't a bunch of capital letters in the wrong place, letters of one word attached to another and such. Way to go!