What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Let It Snow Baby...Let It Reindeer!

I am headed to Mississippi tomorrow to celebrate Christmas with family. What are the odds do you think of it actually snowing for Christmas? I guess they aren't very high seeing as I will be in Mississippi. I don't think they have gotten snow there since the ice storm of '95. haha.

I am really looking forward to it! I haven't been to Mississippi since last Christmas. It's been a whole year! Something about being there feels a little bit like home to me! I guess because I grew up there. A lot of my crazy childish days were lived out there. I get to see my new baby cousin for the first time since he was born. I also get to see my other new cousin again. I saw her once when she was four months old. And now she is one year and four months old. CRAZY!!! It has been FOREVER! I am really excited about going to spend time with them. Especially since I found out I won't be able to go on vacation this year. This makes me sad. And that cuts out one of the only times in the year when I can see my grandparents. SAD! I get to see them three times a year: on vacation, at thanksgiving, and at Christmas. This is no way to live! Next year I will only see them twice. So, once I see them for this Christmas break it will be almost a year until I get to see them again!

I intend to soak up every minute that I can with them!

I am really excited about Christmas. Ever since I have been in college it doesn't seem too much like Christmas when the season rolls around. THis year does more than last year though. But, the presents are all gone from underneath the tree and starting tomorrow there will be no more Chubbers anymore!

I am finishing up my study on Ephesians. I have been studying it for half of a year now. And, I am finally to the 6th chapter. I have learned a lot. God had a lot to show me through it. Right now I am studying spiritual warfare. It is something I tend to toss to the side and act as if it doesn't really exist. I know it does. But, I think I get annoyed whenever people say things like,"Oh, Satan is attacking you". Maybe it is because I have been in the christian sub culture my whole life and feel like christians chalk everything up to "Satan did this" or "Satan did that". When, I tend to believe yourself and your own pleasures and sinful ways have a lot to do with things. But, it's good for me to ponder more often the fact that spiritual warfare is real.

I have a lot to think about this Christmas season. It seems I have a lot to figure out. I think I would much rather just leave it all to God and hope that He would just drop the answer into my lap from the sky. I guess it is true though, I won't be able to "figure anything out" on my own. I continually pray God will show me the way and help me to be wise. But, I guess if I am terrified of not being in God's will perhaps He will make sure I stay there? I tend to like to look at it from that direction.

Anyways...I hope you all have a great Christmas. And more importantly, I hope that you look around at all the presents, family and things that you have and thank God that He not only gave you His son, but He blessed you with so many other things. I have been amazed lately just thinking about it: God didn't owe me a thing. I was horrible. I was a sinner. I was nothing remotely attractive. Especially to the God of the whole universe. I have nothing to offer Him. Yet, He gave me His Son. And, He didn't stop there. He gave me blessing after blessing. I have so many things. I have an amazing christian family. I have good friends. I have a pretty house, a nice car. My whole college expenses are paid for. I have nothing to worry about in life. I am set. God has given me all this. He gave me His son. I didn't deserve it. And He gave me things above and beyond that. He did it knowing that there would be so many days when I would think nothing of the things He has given me. When I would have a selfish heart or a prideful heart about things. He knew I would be ungrateful and forget about Him sometimes. But, He did it anyways.

I guess I am blown away by the thought that God sent his greatest treasure down to Earth. To put on this nasty flesh that we live in. And, to be treated poorly by those He came to save. And He did it partly for me. And He did it for you. I wish I could do more for Christ than just be thankful for one moment that He did this for me. Because I know He deserves more than that from me. I am reminded of a song that says,"What can I give Him, poor as I am?" It's so true.

That was a long side note. But, I just hope that you take time to not only ponder these things, but to give God the praise He deserves in your life. Because, even if you find yourself in a horrible circumstance. Christ still gave you the greatest gift you could ever recieve. Think about it. Nobody can match the gift He gave you. It is a gift that lasts forever. IT is a gift that you can use and have every day for the rest of your life and beyond. It was something no one else on Earth could offer you. I don't want to take it for granted.

So, take time to think about Christ and what He means to you.

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

That has to be the cheesiest title yet! And hey, you went to Hattiesburg last semester, so it hasn't been a year since you went to your homeland!