What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Kids Say The Funniest Things...

Since my time at home I have gotten to enjoy a lot of time with my family. Which has been really nice. It is not very often that I get to do that anymore. I am trying to soak up the time I have to sleep in, watch television (like a normal person) and do virtually nothing. THe last time I did any such thing was four months ago. I started thinking to myself today about Toccoa Falls College and how sometimes while I am there I feel like I am out of touch with reality. Even something as small as getting to watch one episode of Reba or King of Queens makes me feel at home somewhat again.

Then I pondered on my future. And how I will be in a foreign place (most likely) with no sense of normalcy around me. And the thought for a second kind of creeped me out. Sometimes at Toccoa all I wanna do is just drive somewhere NORMAL for just an hour so I can feel in touch with reality again. There is something horrible about feeling stuck somewhere for me. When I am in an airplane the thought of the fact that I cant just get off if I want to drives me nuts. I don't like being anywhere that I can't just change my situation with a snap of a finger. But, I thought about how that is what the life of a christian is about: Giving up what we want for what Christ wants for us. Once you are a christian life isn't just about yourself anymore. It is about God. We are called from a self absorbed lifestyle into one of self denial. And then I thought about how worth it it would be to give up all normalcy because I am doing it for Christ. Giving up all you know is never a comfortable thing. Especially for me. yeah, carrying all of my belonging in one backpack and getting on a plane and leaving my family and staying in a foreign world by myself for two months is not comfortable. It is so far from that. Especially for someone like me.

I was left with thoughts today of how self absorbed our society really is and how a lot of times I follow right along with it. Even this blog is a little of self absorption. Today I was so self absorbed about getting to the next place in my day's schedule that I am pretty sure I missed an opportunity to tell someone about Christ. Today was one big annoyance for me. I was stuck in a car wash place for almost two hours. I was sitting in an office with a rotwieler but then decided I had had enough when the puppy used the restroom in the office and hten wanted to come put his paws all over me (the same paws that had just walked in his urine). I was left out in the cold standing in the parking lot. And the guy came up to talk to me. We started talking about his puppy (I had nothing else to resort to to make conversation). And of course because it was Christmas time I started to ask him about the holidays. He quickly told me he hated Christmas and that he would rather work on Christmas than have a day off and sit around and do nothing. I felt as if I could have just had an opportunity to tell him something important. But instead I was thinking about how cold it was, how I was freezing and how I wanted to get out of there. My world is so selfish. And when it is I miss out on God's opportunities in my life.

So, what if I do sail across the ocean with only a backpack full of a couple things to last me a whole two months. Maybe for once I will not be so focused on myself. Maybe for once Christ will open my eyes to what it means to TRULY have a heart for others and for Christ's work. I long for Christ's heart and His passion. And sometimes I feel like I can't have it allowing myself to be so comfortable all the time.

I need to be more focused on other things.

I did get my passport all worked out today. That was a good feeling. My sister is CRACKING ME UP lately. Molly is hilarious. She always will give you a good laugh if you pay attention to what she is saying. Here are some recent quotes of hers:

Me: AHHH!!! This is getting on my nerves!
Molly: What's wrong Jessica? Are you jealous?
Me: No. Do you even know what jealous means?
Molly: Yes. It means Angry, mad, etc...
Me: No, I don't think I'm jealous.


Me: Molly, what did you ask Santa to bring you for Christmas?
Molly: You will have to wait and see.
Me: Oh come on, just tell me.
Molly: Well, I will tell you this: I only asked for things that Santa and his elves could make in his workshop.

Ben: Molly, what is on that underwear?
Molly: It's monkeys holding I-Pods and listening to their music. It says: Tunes

I don't know. For some reason these just really cracked me up!!! She makes me laugh so much.

Well, I think I am going to go. We are going to watch a christmas movie as a family.

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

TFC is the closest thing to reality that anyone's ever seen.