What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Sunday, February 1, 2009

This last week passed by pretty fast. I was glad. I am definitely ready to graduate! This next week I am hoping will go by fast. Although, I have kind of a short week. Tuesday there are no classes. They called them off for a day of prayer. Thursday Cameron is coming to spend the night and Friday morning we are getting up and leaving. We are going on a road trip to Oxford, MS to see Sarah and Lizzy! I haven't seen the girls I worked with in the Philippines since I got back. It's been six months and I miss them a LOT! I can't even describe the excitement I have to get to spend some time with them!!! It should be fun!

This past Thursday me and Jonathan went on a date to Franklin, NC. It sounds like a long way away, but it's only 50 miles from us. We went to the Fun Factory. The Fun Factory is a place with Go-Carts, bowling, laser tag, putt-putt and tons of arcade games. All of it, except the go-carts are inside, so you don't have to worry about being cold. For $20.00 we got to play arcade games for an hour and a half and we got to play a game of bowling, laser tag and putt putt. I thought that was really good for having paid only $20. It was nice. The workers kept giving us things for free though (I am still not sure why). I beat Jonathan in Laser Tag, basketball, and skee ball. I don't think he liked that very much! Lol. He did beat me in golf and bowling though. They had this massive cow that you could pay to milk. I was SO EXCITED when I saw it! I have always wanted to milk a cow! I definitely took my turn at it! It was fun! We had a good time.

Friday night was the concert. It went really well. I enjoyed listening to jonathan's band but got a little bored listening to everyone else. We ended up leaving early. Yesterday I hung out with my sister. We went to the gym to work out and then went to eat lunch together. I also got to spend time at their church watching Andrew coach the Upward's basketball team. It was hilarious. All the little kids do crazy things while they are playing. I was laughing a lot!

Today I woke up feeling sick. There is some type of sore throat and runny nose thing going around. I don't have the runny nose yet, but I do have an incredible sore throat! Everytime I swallow it KILLS me! I hate that feeling! It isn't fun. I hoping it will go away quickly!

Well, I have a lot of homework to get done...


allcedars said...

I'm sorry you're feeling sick. I felt like I was going to pass out this morning. It's nooo fun!!!

Milking a cow? I can just see you in your element. You should have beeb born a cowgirl! haha

have fun in mississippi. be sure to take pictures!

Portuguese Man O' War said...

I told you not to share about the things you beat me in! ;) I hope you feel better!

Grace said...

I'm a little late responding, so hopefully you're feeling better by now! :) Hey, have you decided about seminary yet?