What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Abortion, Such an over talked about topic...yet here it is!

I saw this video of a 12 year old speaking out on the issue of abortion. She sounds way older than 12. I was really impressed. She has a lot of good points/quotes.


Contrast this with what Barak Obama says on the issue:


Of course, to contrast Obama and a 12 year old seems upsurd.
The thing that scares me about Obama is that he can take something like abortion and make it sound like it is ok. The clip I put above is not an entire speech. IT is simply snippets of different speeches. But, he can give a good speech. And it definitely has the power to persuade. My room mate said that she heard a speech of his on abortion and it honestly made her reevaluate why it was wrong. If christians are even hearing him talk about such things and it's making them wonder why they ever thought it was wrong, there is something seriously scary. No worries, my room mate is still against abortion. But, she said his speech was THAT good.

I don't like that.

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

Yeah, he's quite the smoothtalker. That girl had some good things to say. Oh the power of youtube!