What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Saturday, February 21, 2009

There Rather Than Here

On a day like this what does one do with themselves? I love Saturdays. I woke up today and I could go back to sleep for however long I wanted. The annoyance comes in when I can't go back to sleep for some reason but I really want to! I have decided my body functions on 12 hours sleep the best. I decided it a long time ago but it keeps getting proven to be true!! I also decided it is best to go to bed at like 11 at night. Because then I will sleep in till 11 the next day. IF I go to bed around one or two in the morning, I end up waking up at eleven anyways and not going back to bed.

Today it is beautiful outside. But, it's too cold to enjoy it! what a horrible combination! lol. I am going to have dinner with my sister and Andrew tonight and then we are going out for dessert at some restaurant. I am excited. My room mate is gone this weekend so I really have nothing to do. Actually, I could be doing plenty of homework. I have to research more of the strategies used to evangelize the Ainu people of Japan. However, since the people are already marginalized into society I have no idea how to research this topic. There is no information out there on them. Anyone know of anything written on the Ainu? lol. I mean, I have called like 15 mission agencies, none of which can help me. Sad!

I really miss the Philippines today. I guess it didn't help that I bought Mary Jane the CUTEST pony tail holders, barrets, hair brush and tooth brushes yesterday!!! And, it definitely doesn't help with all those pictures of her right above my bed. Her cute little face is just staring down at me this morning. Man, I miss that girl! Too bad we can't just snap our fingers and be in another place! I would definitely choose the Philippines today if it were up to me.

This week has been rather exhausting. I have been really tired. I have also been sick all week. WHich hasn't been fun! There were countless hours of studying, only to make bad grades. That really frustrated me. I have come away with the fact that some professors will just always word their tests in the most confusing way possible. Jonathan tells me I should stop studying like I do and just learn how to take multiple choice tests. I guess that was never something I really did until I came to college. And, when I took them in highschool they were straight forward, not something to confuse the person taking them! I will always be annoyed when I know information inside and out and still fail to do well! I have had a lot of things to get done this week as well! I am doing my senior portraits next week. I also ordered my cap and gown. It's kind of weird that all of that is happening.

Anyways...I know I am just rambling. There really isn't much for me to say, I spend most of my time doing homework these days!

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

Which of the following ways BEST describes what I failed to NOT enjoy when reading your blog?

A) 7
B) Horses
C) A and B only
D) B and D only
E) All of the above