What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Monday, March 31, 2008

A Busy Life...

School is in it's last month for this semester and I am stuck with group projecs, tons of papers, final exams, making out my schedule for next year, applying for graduation,etc...I am really bogged down with lots to do. I think I should start taking it one moment at a time though or I might just go crazy. There is always lots to do at the end of school.I have a lot hanging over my head to get done right now. I hate that feeling. It was worse last semester though and I am trying to remind myself of that.

New York City is less than a month away! That will be a lot of fun I think!

Me and Ashley have taken up an aerobics class at the YMCA on monday nights. I have only gone twice. It is a really good workout if you can make it through it! I know tomorrow I won't be able to move AT ALL!

It will be good next year when I am off the full meal plan and I can cook my own food. It will be a lot healthier that way!

There isn't much to say. I have just been extremely busy. Our internet is out right now so anytime I want to use the internet I have to go to the library or the computer lab. We had a really bad storm here on Saturday morning and anytime the wind blows really strong our internet gets cut out.

here are the pictures I promised from Spring Break.

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