What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Friday, March 7, 2008

It's raining...AGAIN! Only this time I didn't bother to fix my hair. Which, makes it a little bit better. lol. I guess I should be thankful for the rain considering we have been in a drought. I heard the other day that Georgia and Tennessee are in a dispute over the Tennessee river. After all these years Georgia is getting stingy and wanting to claim their rights over the whole thing. I guess it's because we are running out of water in Georgia and so we want to take it away from Tennesse? The border of Georgia would officially change to extend past Chattanooga. Meaning, if Georgia won the argument the city would become: Chattanooga, GA. Sorry, but I am not in favor of changing the shape of our states. I can barely recoginize and name them as they are. I don't need any added confusion. But, apart from that...I just think it's ridiculous. But, that is the way life goes. We get stingy and selfish a lot of the time when things aren't going our way.

Life is really busy lately. IT wasn't supposed to be so busy this semester. IT was supposed to be relaxing with the amount of hours I have! Oh well. I guess it happens! I am becoming more and more tired lately. I was so tired in choir yesterday I was literally on the verge of falling asleep. I had to take a break and go take a walk around the building. That is sad!!! And, it has never happened to me before!

I am ready for the weekend. I take that back: I am ready for a BREAK! Everything is getting on my last nerve lately. I hate that! I am completely losing any patience I have (if I had any to begin with). And, I am finding I am generally just disenchanted with all things. haha. I think that is a signal that I need some time off! I feel I am getting the same information in my classes that I have gotten the past three years. I am ready to graduate!

Despite how disenchanted I am getting with this world and the things that go on in it. I am becoming increasingly aware of how amazing God is. LAtely it has been blowing my mind.You know when you go through seasons of life and you know God is there, and things are good. But, then there are times when you really hav ea passion for Him and you just enjoy Him. Sad to say that life isn't always like that day in and day out. Because it should be!!! But, I am glad that God is teaching me so much lately. I am also just becoming more and more comforted that He is by my side. No matter what I face. I can always know that it is going to be ok! Thank goodness that we never have to worry about anything. We always have a reason to be joyful and that He is loving and patient towards us.

I don't think I will ever get it right this side of heaven. I wish I would. IT would make my life easier on others and myself.

I am so glad to be singing River God next Friday at the recital. I think it will be good for me to sing something that means something to me. I realized I hate standing in front of crowds and singing dumb songs about love or something. I just want to sing to God. That is where I am most comfortable. Because it comes from my heart. Plus, the song means something to me. Hopefully I will do better than I did last time. If I could just pick a song for recitals that means something to me, I would do a lot better I think.

Anyways...I get to see my parents tomorrow night!!! I am glad it is the weekend. It has been a long week. And, I am so worn out. I am ready to sleep in!

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

This weekend should be a good break for you!