What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My life has been really busy lately. I tihnk I have managed to hang out with friends more this semester than any other semester before now. I go over to Jessie's apartment about three times a week and watch American Idol and Lost! Lost is coming on again tonight! It is so different this season. It hink it will drive me nuts going from week to week not knowing what will happen! Lol.

I have had a lot to do this week because we have had our annual World Outreach Conference, which is centered around missions. We have two chapels a day, which is really rough on a college student who has to continue with their regular schedule, activities and homework.

Tuesday of this week I was out of classes. I really enjoyed sleeping in, catching up on homework and just relaxing. That night I found out that a tornado tore through the campus of Union University. A friend of mine who I was close to in highschool, Roger Bolick, goes there. I heard it on the news and I freaked out. I tried calling him and of course the phones lines were down and stuff. I finally got to talk to him yesterday morning. He said he was fine and all of his friends were fine. No one died in the storm. However, three dorms (including the one he lived in) were completely demolished. There was only one building on campus that remained on touched by the tornado. And, his car was really torn up in the storm. So, he officially has no car, no belongings, etc...I feel really bad for him! His mom went down there yesterday and drove him back to Chattanooga. Classes are cancelled for at least two weeks. It's nuts that something like that can happen. I am glad he is ok. But, I feel bad that so many students are without cars, clothes, etc...They didnt' even have time to get their stuff out of their rooms.

I has been raining a lot lately, which is good! We have really needed it.

God has been teaching me a lot. I am enjoying the church I am involved in right now! I feel there is a lot to pray about in my life right now. So much that I want to know the answer to but I dont. There are plenty things that I feel need a lot of thought, for sure!

One thing I heard a professor/friend tell me recently,"God doesn't just want us to say 'You are beautiful' or to simply think He is beautiful all the time. That is fine. But, GOd wants us to know Him deeply. He wants us to know who He is." I don't know why that struck me so much. I guess because I think a lot of times we pray and say,"You are so beautiful Lord". But, that doesn't mean much if we don't really know who God is. And knowing God is something God wants from us. I was reading through my devotions the other day and I read this quote:

"There is a vast difference between such an affection and that selfish and unhallowed friendship with God which terminates on our own happiness as its supreme motive and end. If a man, in his supposed love to God, has no ultimate regard except to his own happiness; if he delights in God, not for what He is, but for what He is to him; in such a sentiment there is no moral virtue. There is indeed great love of self, but no true love to God. But where the enmity of the carnal mind is slain, the soul is reconciled to the Divine character as it is. God Himself, in the fulness of his manifested glory, becomes the object of devout and delighted contemplation. In his more favored hours the views of a good man are in great measure diverted from himself; as his thoughts glance toward the varied excellence of the Deity, he scarcely stops to inquire whether the Being whose character fills his mind and in comparision of whose dignity and beauty all things are atoms and vanity, whill extend His mercy to him....His soul cleaves to God, and in the warmth and fervor of devout affection, he can often say,"Whom have I in heaven but thee, and there is none on the earth beside thee. As the hart pnateth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God."

This weekend is approaching fast, thank goodness! I am ready for it! Mainly because my classes are boring and they are all early in the morning. That wears on you after a while! Lol. Plus, my aunt is coming to visit me. And, that will be GREAT! I am also spending sunday with Sara and Andrew!

Hope everyone else has a good weekend...


Portuguese Man O' War said...

This will be a great weekend for you!

Meredith said...

I love moments like that where you hear something common like "God wants us to know Him deeply" and it CLICKS. It's like something people say something all the time, but then one day it just comes to life. Sometimes truth is just Spirit-inspired cliche.