What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Sunday, February 24, 2008

I just got back from a weekend with my family that was much needed. I have been sick for a week now with the flu. It just won't seem to go away either. Just when I think it is going away it comes back with something else. I have officially been through aches, fevers, really bad chest pain, a really sore throat, a stuffy nose, nausea and wanting to lie down all the time. And, I had extreme fatigue where I would sleep for thirteen hours or so and still feel like I hadn't slept in a week. Last week was not fun and I ended up skipping a whole day of classes.

It is still painful to breathe, talk and eat. lol. I am really tired.

But, I had a really good weekend at home. I hadn't been home in a while!I really miss it. Also, I was about to go insane here in Toccoa. I just HAD to go home! IT was deifnitely time! My mom had been decorating the house. It looks really good! My mom is such a good decorator!!! I can only hope I will be able to decorate like that one day when I get my own house!

The weekend really went by WAY too fast!!! I spent most of Saturday putting together puzzles and playing board games with Molly. She is such a goof ball! I love her though!

Today was really good! I miss my home church. I actually went to my dad's sunday school class. But, it turned out that God had something to say to me there. So, I guess it wasn't an accident that I went in there.

His lesson this morning was on prayer. And, I had actually heard the parables he shared spoken on a couple weeks ago. So, it was kind of strange that I was hearing it again. Because, they really aren't parables I have even payed much attention to or heard of very often! I had a really good friend once that always said,"IF God says something to you once you should listen to it, if God tells you something twice you should pay more attention, and if he tells you something three times you should realize that it is something you really need to hear and you need to adjust your life accordingly". I know that may seem dumb. But, I do think sometimes God has a way of beating something into my life until I really give it the attention it deserves.

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. And, it seems God always brings me back to tthe same thing: Seek me, and you will find me. But, you must seek me with all of your heart. I also keep hearing the ,"Wait. It isn't time yet". Which is frustrating. Because I feel like it should be time by now. But, sitting in on my dad's sunday school lesson this morning made me realize that God isn't giving up on that message just yet! He has been silent for some time. However, I think he is trying to teach me persistence and to seek Him with all of myself.

My dad shared two parables. The first one was in Luke 11:5-8 which is the Parable of the Persistent Friend. I had always been kind of confused by this parable when I read over it! But, when I heard it explained a couple weeks ago it clicked and I was like,"Wow, I have never realized that is what that meant!!!" It is always cool to learn something new about the Bible. Well, my dad was going back over it and talking about how God wants to give us the answers to what we ask Him. The only key is that He will not always answer our prayers if they are not in accordance with His will. That is our instruction: If you pray according to God's will it will ALWAYS been answered by God. Our job is to pray God's will. We know His will by knowing Him deeply and by seeking Him. But, also, God doesn't always answer us right away. Sometimes He wants to teach us to be persistent. He wants us to really seek Him and not give up. Something cool that my dad brought up was how when Daniel( I think it was daniel? I really hope I am not misquoting) was praying to God for something and really felt like God was late in answering him. However, the angel finally shows up and tells him that he is late in delivering the message because he was fighting with a demon on the way. I mean, you really never know what is going on in the spiritual realm and why GOd is not giving you the answer you want.

One thing I am sure of though is that God wanted me to hear this lesson today! And, I know that I need to be more persistent! The main thing I have been asking for lately is wisdom! ANd, I know that is a prayer God will answer because He says so in his word. He says if any of us lacks wisdom we should ask him for it and he will provide it for us! I am so thankful we have such an amazing God! ONe who wants us to know the right answers in life. He wants the best for us. And, one thing I know, my heavenly Father has never let me down!

I am amazed more and more lately at just how amazing Christ really is! ANd how undeserving I am. I know I am bad at wording the things He shows me. It is so much more amazing when it comes from God. I am bad at relaying the things He speaks to me!

God has definitely been remolding me in some important areas this semester!!! And, I am thankful for that. I can see growth. ONe thing is for sure: God never leaves me the way I am! HE is always making me better. I am so glad! I am realizing more and more though how life is not all about me. Sometimes I want to wine and pitch a fit because life isn't going my way or things aren't happening like I want them to. But, I am so selfish for wanting to do this. I only do because I am so ME focused. LIfe is not at all about me!!! It is completely about God! IF I would be focused on that more often I think my life would have more meaning, be more enjoyable and have eternal importance!!!

I think I am headed to bed now!

1 comment:

Portuguese Man O' War said...

Some good thoughts! I hope your extended flu stuff dies soon!