What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Saturday, February 16, 2008

I have been so busy I haven't gotten much time to blog on here! This past week everything was due at one time! But, it all got done! Weird...anything seems possible after having gone through last semester with all the work I had to do at one time! I made the honor roll for last semester too! Lol.

Grace came in last weekend. It was a lot of fun! I was really glad she came. I took her on a tour of the campus. We ended up playing Pictionary and Apples to Apples. We also went to Isabelles for dinner! On Sunday we got to hang out with Sara and Andrew!!! It was a lot of fun! I got to go shopping for Molly's birthday present and play with cooper! I miss that little dog :( I need one of my own! lol! IF I end up graduating college and living out on my own I will get a dog! That would be the best present! Then I wouldn't have to get too longely being by myself! Lol.

The time with Grace went by too fast! IT would be awesome if I was going to school at Samford and could just live in an apartment with her! Lol. Too bad I don't have all the money in the world at my disposal!!!

This past week was crazy. I was really tired throughout the whole thing. I haven't gotten to sleep in for a while. So, it was all i could do to push through. By Friday I was literally falling asleep in all my classes no matter how hard I was fighting to keep my eyes open!

But, it was a good week. ON Wednesday me and Jonathan celebrated Valentine's Day. Thursday Lost comes on and he has a three hour night class. So, it wasn't really an option! Lol. But, on Wednesday he took me to Clemson. We ate at Fatz Cafe and then we went to Clemson University for a swing dancing class. They teach you techniques and how to swing dance for thirty minutes and then you put those concepts into practice for a while! I got a SMALL glimpse of what it would be like to go to a big school. They have their own Chilis, bowling alley, etc... It was a goregous campus. And a cute town!!! Plus, I have some really funny stories from the night. But, they include me and Jonathan getting asked to dance by various freaky people. lol.

Thursday was a pretty good day! And, I got a couple of presents from Jonathan. My mom and Dad sent me a package in the mail with cards and stuff in it!!! ANd my Daddy got me some Roses and got them delivered to school! That was pretty amazing! I guess that is the next best thing to being home on a day like that. I miss my family a lot, but especially on holidays!!! They were always a big deal for my family!!!

I was glad when yesterday got here! I was worn out and I was getting sick with something! So, we hung out last night. ME and Meredith and Sam went to eat at McDonalds and then went and saw a movie at Habersham Hills! IT was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed hanging out with them away from campus!

Today I didn't wake up until 1:15 this afternoon and I could have slept longer!!! I was so worn out and I really didn't feel good. I wouldn't have gotten out of bed except the choir had to sing the National Anthem for the basketball game in the gym! I spent the rest of the afternoon lying on my bed watching a movie. Finally I got out to go to Wal Mart and get some medicine. I also picked up a pizza at Dominos and ended up coming back to watch a movie with Sam, Lindsey, PJ, Jonathan and Amber.

It has been a pretty good weekend. Although I am really annoyed that I am getting sick! It only slows me down! haha. Hopefully I will be better by Monday!

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