What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Saturday, February 2, 2008

All I Want For Christmas is a Barnslig Flodhast!

Today my house (no, I won't call it a trailer), woke up early and went to Ikea in Atlanta. Some of the people in the house wanted new bedspreads. And we all wanted to hang out. I think we were a little nuts waking up early on a Saturday to hang out. But, we did beat the Saturday crowd, which is really important at Ikea, trust me!

Our trip was a little rocky getting started because it was so cold outside that our wooden front porch was iced over. Meredith ended up slipping down and hitting every step on her way out. She spilled her hot tea all over herself. So, we ended up all helping her out. It looked pretty painful! You gotta hate ice.

When we got there we looked around. Not only did we look around, but we took the pleasure of taking lots of pictures and being goofy when we did them. So, I am glad not many people were around. When we were in the kid world particularly I felt like people were going to think we were there to hurt their kids or something. haha. But, it was a really fun experience. IT was really good to hang out with all the girls in my house for once. We never do that. Actually, one of the girls didn't get to come. But, the rest of us were there. And, Amber was in the car so she isn't in the pictures. The rest of us had fun though. As you can see, we even sat down at one of the tables and prayed over our Ikea (fake) meal.

In the children's section I found this really amazing stuffed animal that I really really wanted to take home with me becaue it was SO cute!!! However, It was ten dollars. And I figured I could better spend that money elsewhere. I told myself once I got to college I shoudn't buy myself stuffed animals anymore. Even if they were really cute! HA! I thought this little creature was a hippo. But, when we read the sign above it we found out that instead it was a BARNSLIG FLODHAST!!! We laughed because the sign above it read : "All soft toys are good at hugging, comforting, and listening and are fond of play and mischief.In addition, they are reliable and tested for safety!" HAHA! Who wouldn't want a stuffed animal that does all of that? Anyways...I think I took about three pictures in front of the thing because I couldn't take it home with me and it was cute. Plus, it was really random and funny. So, I figured that I would just tell Santa next year that all I wanted was a "Barnslig Flodhast" and let him figure out what that means!

We stopped at Chik Fil A (the dwarf house version) on our way back to Toccoa. I think all of us were so hungry and tired by that time that we didn't care where we ate or what we did. We pretty much all fell asleep on the way back. And I just got done taking an hour long nap.

This past week was pretty uneventful besides the nights I spent at Jessie's house watching Lost and American Idol.

On Tuesday Jonathan took me to a Gladiators hockey game. I LOVE hockey. i have no idea why either. But, the guy sitting beside me taught me what the rules and things mean. So, I have a better understanding of it now. Although I was a little embarassed because the guy was talking to me about what was going on in the game. I was trying to make conversation so I said something like,"Yeah, we can't even score with half of their team off the court" and then I realized that in hockey they lovingly call it the "ice" or the "rink" or something. It is never EVER the court. haha. But, I really like it, I find it the most enjoyable sport to watch.It is generally pretty easy to understand! The only thing that comes close to it is basketball! But, still, hockey is on top!

This next week I am out of school for Tuesday. Pretty random. Toccoa named it the day of prayer for our campus and cancelled all classes. We don't get holidays off but we will declare our own prayer day. Who knows.


Portuguese Man O' War said...

If you had the choice between the barnslig flodhast and the frog seat thing, which would you choose? That is the question of the ages.

Meredith said...

i'm really big on the barnslig flodhast. you should have gotten it. ;)