What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Monday, November 29, 2010


Me and Jonathan made our first trip home since being married. I know, it's been too long. We've been married for almost six months now. It was a much needed trip. Though it went by WAY too quickly.

Some of the main events:

1. Molly got us all to play "Minute to Win it". It was pretty intense. Not to mention, hilarious. That kid cracks me up.

2. I ate more than I ever have in the span of just three days and completely reversed all the hard work I had accomplished on my diet. My own fault. But it's hard when you NEVER get your momma's cooking! Perhaps it was worth it!

3. We got out on Black Friday and I saved hundreds (I'm not exaggerating) on gifts. NICE! We weren't crazy enough to get out at the crack of dawn though. We were more sane and waited till nine. haha.

4. Me and Jonathan decorated three Christmas trees within a weeks time. We did one for us and with both of our families. I love Christmas so much though that this is GREAT to me!

5. My family does crafts every year and I made some ornaments for people for christmas as well as a gingerbread house. It was fun.

6. We made our annual black friday steak n shake dinner outing. LOVE that place!

7. It was my first thanksgiving with Jonathan's family and I spent a lot of time with my little nephew Jonah. He's such a cutie!

8. I played "name that show" with the Melin family. And of course, I lost miserably. They watched more tv than I did growing up, what can I say?

9. Added an hour and a half onto our trip time home. We left at seven and thought we would miss the big crowd. But we got stuck in traffic a lot. Every time we made it to see what the problem was it was just a car all the way on the shoulder with their emergency lights blinking. This same scenario happened three times. I was SO MAD! Ha.

It was easy to find things to be thankful for this year. Not that it is ever hard. I have a wonderful life. But, some years you just feel more thankful than others. I have been guilty in the past of not focusing on what I was thankful for. As I am sure anyone has been.

This year I am especially thankful for God's provision. When you first start out (as many of you probably know) in a marriage you don't have much income. We started out with very little since I was working at Chick Fil A and Jonathan was working at a golf course and Pizza Hut. Then I got a better job and it was taken away within six weeks. Then I spent 9 weeks looking for a new place of employment. So we have already had our share of scary times financially where we weren't sure what was going to happen next. And you know what? God never left us hungry or unable to pay our bills. We always had what we needed. Sometimes not much more than that. But, it was a big lesson in how God takes care of all of our needs. Even when we are freaking out thinking there is no way he can take care of them. He always does. And so I am incredibly thankful for God as my provider.

Secondly, I am incredibly thankful for my family. I am thankful for a husband who challenges me to be a better person most every day. I am thankful for the family I grew up in. I realize more every year how rare of a home I came from. And I couldn't be more thankful for amazing parents and siblings. I am truly blessed.

Thirdly, I am thankful for a God that brings peace and joy every day. Regardless of what is happening in my life God is steady and sure. Qualities I would love to possess and I know I can have since He is the one I am leaning on and He has those qualities. I realized a verse last night in a new way: "Be anxious about nothing, but in everything by prayer and petition present your requests to God. And the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus". This could be a paraphrase because it's coming straight from my brain. But, it just hit me: God promises to guard the very things that make us anxious and unsure: our hearts and minds. He simply asks that present our needs to him. That means He WANTS us to voice our needs. And secondly, that means when we voice them he won't just leave us out in the dark. He will help us. What a loving God we serve! So thankful for that kind of God. So personal. So different from the gods that other religions serve.

I have a lot to be thankful for. In the midst of hard times and good times.

It was wonderful being with my family and Jonathan's family this past week! SO glad this time I get to see them again in just three weeks time. Here are some pictures of this past week:


Grace said...

Aw, I MISS YOU!!!! Wish I could've been there for all of this...but I'm SO THANKFUL I got to Skype with y'all! Glad you got a photo of the turkey injection. ;) Love you!!!

Jonathan said...

I like what you had to say about that verse. Good point. I'm thankful for YOU!

allcedars said...

Glad you had a good Thanksgiving!