What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Sunday, November 14, 2010

To Shine Like the Stars in the Universe!

Our relationship started just like anyone else's does. With a conversation. It was a pretty normal conversation. Nothing elaborate happened. I commented on all of the pictures lining her cubicle of her two little dogs. One sat in a chair with his paw on the table with a freakishly human grin spreading across his face. Laying in front of him was a birthday cake with the number five on top. Another picture was of her dog in a cast. He was lying on his back and he didn't look happy. Clearly she loved her dogs. I watched everything she did. But I was told to. I was in training, afterall. I watched her share her snack drawer with practically everyone in the office. I watched as she dropped everything she was doing when someone asked her a question or asked for her help. Her words were sprinkled with profanity here and there as she got angry about something. But she was one of the nicest people I have ever met. She cared.

Then there was another girl that just sat a couple chairs away from her. Her bright shirt and spirit brightened up the drab office. She smiled. And she helped explain things to me. As we sat there she began discussing how she was anxious. I asked why. Her reply was that she wasn't sure. And that it happened often. She felt as if she were on the verge of a panic attack. She stopped to catch her breath for a minute and then continued on with her work. All through our time together though, she was very kind and helpful.

Still again there was a man sitting a bit away from her. He was very passionate about gay rights. He also began to talk about how he wasn't sure what it was, but there was just something rewarding about doing "right". He said it just makes life better. Hmm....and so it does, because that is exactly how we were created. This man was also very generous and caring.

Everyday I get in the car and drive to a normal american job. I sit in a cubicle next to all of these people. And, I am one of five christians in the entire building. I get the chance to have conversations with these people. They need Jesus. They are beautiful unique individuals. Some of them seem to already be voicing thoughts that could lead to a spiritual conversation. They seem to have questions and thoughts I have the answer to.

These co-workers amaze me with how much they care. It's actually embarassing to me. Because I have been in the Christian bubble my entire life. And they love me better than most christians I know love others. I am constantly being talked to. "Hi, Jessica. How are you doing? Do you think you're adjusting ok? Can I help you?" "Jessica, let me know if you need something. I will be here whenever you call on me."
This is the same office that is letting me off for thanksgiving and christmas when I have only been working there a week.
It's sad. The contrast. THe office I just came from and this one. The last office was a "christian office" and I felt so judged and mistreated. And here I am among people who don't know what love is truly all about, and I feel more loved and accepted. I see them giving more and loving better than christians are.

I am saddened by this fact. As christians we are to be recognized by our love. That's how God says we are recognized. We are to out shine in the love department.

So, I ask that you guys will join me in two things:

1. Praying that I will be COURAGEOUS and speak to these co-workers about Jesus. Because they really need Him. But not just that, pray that I will know when to talk about Jesus and when to just listen. I want these people to know I am there not just to bang them over their heads with a bible and tell them Jesus is the only way. I want them to feel Christ living through me. I want to be light in a place of darkness. And it's a struggle to know exactly how to do that.


FIrst of all, the VP of the company just bought a booth for a hefty price at a gay rights rally. And I know that I have to be careful what I say and how I say it. While all the time being bold and not giving the impression I am ok with all these things they do.

2. That as Christians we will be determined to love better. That we will step out and shine so bright in a dark world. We should be the generous ones. We should be the ones willing to help others. We should be selfless and put others before ourselves. The world needs to see that we are different. And if we are no better than anyone else...then what?

I ask that you join me in reaching others wherever you are: home, work, or on the mission field.


Grace said...

Wow, thanks for sharing...this is where the rubber meets the road. I'll be praying for wisdom and opportunities and boldness for you...and I'll remember this so that I'll be challenged to do the same. Love you!!!!

Jonathan said...

I'm glad everyone is so helpful there. It's great that you have opportunities to share Christ with them!