What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Friday, April 18, 2008

Who Is Your God?

I have been completely taken over by tons of work lately. This past week though I felt I got some of it out from over my head. I still have more to go though. I wrote a ten page paper this past week but I still have another one to write.

This weekend should be good though. Carlye is coming down for a shower this weekend and is spending the night here tonight. I have a cookout to go to tonight with Jonathan's Barnabas Group.

Also, today is my recital so I have been trying to tell myself not to freak out. We all know what happened last time I had a recital and freaked out. It just isn't a good thing!

WE finally have internet back in our trailer, which makes my life a lot easier and less stressful! I have so much research I have to be doing right now!

I was in class on Wednesday and Mrs.Griffin brought up a really good quote:
"A God who is comprehensible is not a God. A God that is to say, whom we claim to understand exhaustively through the resources of our own reasoning brains turns out to be no more than an idol, fashioned into our own brain."

I wonder how much I have made God out to be an idol or how much my view of Him is very different from who He actually is. I could be worshipping something other than the real God. I could be worshipping my version of who I think God is. We all have to speculate to some degree. But, how much of who God is in my mind came from His word and how much of it comes from preconceived notions, what I have heard from church since I was little, from what I want Him to be or from what I am comfortable with? I think in this day and age we all serve "God" but he is our idea of who God is. That can't be avoided to some degree. But, we should try our hardest to make sure we are worshipping who God really is. We discover this through prayer, Bible study, etc... I want to be worshipping the real God, not just some form of God I have made up in my mind!

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