What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The End Of The Schoolyear Insanity...

I seriously need to start doing something with my time. It seems like lots of little things have come up lately that have kept me from the bigger things. I think I will be spending this whole weekend working my tail off to get some papers written. If I can do that I think myself and everyone around me will benefit from it!

I haven't gotten much time for fun activities lately.

Our internet is broken AGAIN. It has been for a while. And at the busiest time in the semester. They won't fix it. BIG SHOCK! I feel it is a bigger waste of my time to hike up to the library or the computer lab to check it once a day than just to have it in my room. Oh well.

My New York trip is only two weeks away! I am excited about it!

I keep hearing bad things about the airlines and flying places. I hope that gets settled before I go to the Philippines. I found out I have like four connector flights. I will be going this route: Atlanta-Los Angeles-Hong Kong-Manilla-Davao.
And, I will take that same route back,except I will add Mobile at the end because I will be meeting my family at the beach for the tail end of their family vacation. That is a lot of flying. And, all by myself too. Imagine me (Jessica Horton) finding my way around foreign airports all by myself. haha. The picture in my mind is a pretty funny one. Luckily, I have been lost before. And, I know that with a couple of tears, it always gets fixed. haha.

I found out that I will be living in a house with six girls next year. We have three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two living rooms, a kitched and a laundry room and a dining room. It is pretty nice! Definitely a step up from the trailer!!!

I was reminded in Barnabas group today about something we should all remember from time to time: God never promised us that living in this world would be easy. He just said he would be with us through it all. And, that is enough. As we get older and we realize the condition this world is in and that life is not always full of candy canes and whistles (who knows where I got that???) we can get disheartened. Nobody told me growing up would be hard, painful, and it would at times be sad. But, I am realizing more and more as I get older and I become more aware of what this life is really going to hold and what it is really about, I realize that Christ is enough, no matter what I face. And, I was reminded today that our emotions don't have to go crazy on us because of that. We can submit them to God. I was really encouraged remembering this verse:

John 16:33 :
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

At least we always know, no matter what that Jesus Christ overcame this world. So, somedays as we look around and realize that this world isn't the best place to live, we can take heart. Because Jessus Christ overcame the world.

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