What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Friday, November 13, 2009

This is my life...

Man, I am pretty much a failure at updating. My life has been absolutely crazy these past couple of weeks. I have had to teach a class, take multiple tests and write three research papers. Not to mention I have been working 20 or more hours per week. These past couple of months has been testing my ability to balance my life. I used to be pretty good at it! Lately I am just failing in this area. SAD! So, if I haven't called you like I should or haven't shown you the care that I should I apologize. Notice I am writing this at like one in the morning. If only my friends and family back home stayed up that late. haha.

God has shown me his plan in my life with seminary. I am learning so much from all the professors/classes/chapels. Greek has stretched me an incredible amount. It is so tough. But, I am really loving it at the same time!

I just signed up for my classes next semester. I am learning that they don't offer a lot of the courses for my program in the spring semester, which is pretty sad. Here is my schedule:

Greek 2 with Dr. Black (I am really excited about this. Dr. Black is world renowned for his Greek abilities and I hear he is awesome)
Women and Evangelism
Moral Foundations of Marriage and Family

I am finding a lot of the core classes I already took in college and could probably clep out of. I am not really wanting to repeat any of them!

Chik Fil A is going well. I mean, yet again, I don't love it. I don't hate it. It's a job. I am thankful God has provided.

We get a lot of interesting customers. It's a really big thing in the area to fabricate money and bring it in. So, we get people bringing in fake 100 dollar bills a lot. It's annoying. Not only that, but you will get people in the drive through trying to just drive off without paying. Some people eat their entire entree and then claim it was "cold" or "pink" just to get free food because Chik Fil A is so nice. It gets frustrating dealing with people all the time. But, that is life.

I do have some funny stories though:

1. I was working the drive through and a customer came driving through asking if we had hush puppies. haha. When I said no they drove off.

2. A man came in and asked for a happy meal. He wasn't kidding. I was like,"You mean a kids meal, right?" He goes,"No, a happy meal" haha. I guesss that's what I get for correcting a customer.

3. A customer came in and wanted a cheeseburger

These stories are not even a joke. And these people weren't kidding either. haha. It definitely is funny.

My life has been so busy these past couple weeks I have found myself exercising at ten PM and cleaning my house and midnight. It's an awful schedule. haha. I hear it doesn't get any better from here either.

I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving break when I can go home and see my family for the first time since August. It's been too long. I am ready for home.

I know, my life is not very thrilling. I will write something later if something interesting happens.


Jonathan said...
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Jonathan said...

Something interesting happened tonight. You got to see me! Write about that. By the way, you've worked there for WEEKS and you can't even spell it right? It's Chick-fil-A. No one seems to know how it's spelled. It does kinda throw you off though when you try to remember it.

allcedars said...

I know how you feel about being so busy! I feel like I am getting paid for 40 hours and working 80! Which is actually closer to the truth than just a feeling.

Go Chik-fil-a! At least you get to eat their food at a discount, right?

Bryan Bridges said...

Do people not see the big cow holding the sign that says "Eat more chicken" and conclude that they don't serve beef at Chick-Fil-A? I mean c'mon...that's the whole point of the signs, lol.

Does your chick-fil-a give military ID discounts like mine does? I think that's so cool.

Hope you're doing well J!