What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I feel like the whole world is being overtaken by water. I was already aware that the Earth is like 70% water and 20% land. But, it seems like that gap is closing in even more lately with all the rain. I had no idea the flooding in Atlanta was so severe. I just looked up pictures of it yesterday on the internet. Six Flags was under water and some peoples homes were completely gone. It was a really weird thing to see.

Last night my bathroom/room was flooded. The apartment above us was doing their laundry and the washing machine overflowed. It ended up coming through the ceiling into my room and bathroom. I had buckets everywhere. THe maintenance guys came by today and said that my ceiling might crack. If that happens they have to replace part of it. At least our floors don't have to be replaced. The girls above us have to have all of their wood floors redone.

Another instance of flooding (a lot more severe than the flooding in my apartment) is going on in the Philippines right now. A Typhoon hit there about two days ago in Manila. For those of you who aren't aware of the makeup of the islands of the Philippines here is a little geography lesson for you: over 7,000 islands make up what we call the Philippines. The three main islands, however are: Luzon (the northern most island), Visayas (the middle island where Manila is located) and Mindanao (the southern most island which is where I spent my summer in Davao). The first Typhoon, Ketsana, hit Manila on the island of Visayas. Over 200 people are counted as dead and many more have lost their homes. A second typhoon, Parma, said to hit the upper most island of Luzon in a couple days is supposed to be even stronger than the one that just hit. I know the Philippines is used to typhoons. A couple hit while I was serving there last summer. However, these typhoons are causing much more destruction. As some of you know, I left part of my heart in the Philippines. I want nothing more than to be there for the people and to help them out. It breaks my heart because the people there have almost nothing. Their houses are shacks and they are not made to withstand such storms. I know that a lot of people are probably homeless now and have lost everything that they have. A storm like this, I feel, is much more devastating to these people than it would be to us in America. So, my heart goes out to them. All my precious little kids are fine in Mindanao. But, I am sad for the other parts of the Philippines that haven't been as fortunate and are losing lives, houses, and everything that they own. Please pray for them.

If you want to follow up on current events around the world (since America is pretty ethnocentric on its news reporting) you can check out : www.news.bbc.co.uk

It's sad that the rest of the world is so aware of what is going on in America but we have no clue what is going on around the world. We mostly only care about ourselves. That was something I learned when I was in the PHilippines. They knew the history of America and they even knew our current president. But, I couldn't have told you who their past or present leader was!

A major earthquake also just hit Indonesia, killing 1,000 (+) people. Samoa just had a Tsunami hit.

Just some major events around the world to be aware of and to be in prayer over!

On a different note...

1. My job is going well. I have been working a lot. I have realize standing on my feet for 8 hours straight is not comfortable. Most days I have come home with my entire body aching. Also, working at Chik Fil A has made me exhausted all the time. IT has kept me pretty tired.

2. Greek is getting more and more challenging for me. I got a "B" on my first test. And, I have gotten 100 on all of my quizzes. But, it is just starting to get over my head. Pray that I can still understand it after studying it and giving it my all.

3. School is challenging but good. I am learning how to balance my life with the work load and the work schedule at Chik Fil A. It's been a difficult adjustment and I have had to cut things from my daily routine. Thing I love! Oh well.

4. God is teaching me a lot!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

What's up with the other 10% of what's on the Earth?! I hope your ceiling doesn't crack and water come down and flood you! Watch your back. Sleep with one eye open if you must!