What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Friday, November 20, 2009

I love fall...

The holidays make people do some pretty ridiculous things. I guess everyone gets in the spirit and joy of Christmas. Apparently, this has started to happen right after Halloween. It's like a huge city like Atlanta. Soon the suburbs of that city end up reaching an hour out from all directions until that city is massive in size. I guess Christmas will soon spread out to several months before it takes place.

christmas is one of my favorite times of year. Ok, I think it is my absolute favorite. Just something about it makes me really happy inside. I have held off listening to Christmas music, except when my room mates are blaring it from their rooms or from the living room. But, me and my room mates finally gave in to putting up a tree just two nights ago. We were planning for a thanksgiving dinner (that happened tonight). And we were at Wal-Mart and started looking at all the trees there. My room mate gave in and bought one. She also ended up buying decorations. So we stayed up till three in the morning listening to Christmas music and decorating it. It's nice to have a little bit of Christmas in our living room.

Tonight we had a Thanksgiving dinner between me and all of my friends. Ginny bought the turkey and we attempted to cook it ourselves. It was the first time I had prepared a turkey. It was funny. Ginny also made three apple pies, corn, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce. My other friends brought rolls, dressing, macaroni, green bean casserole and jello. So, we really did have a feast. A lot of people came and it was really fun to hang out and eat together. And, as cheesy as it may be I am incredibly thankful for how much God has blessed me. I have amazing friends here. And I have a really good life.

I am really glad I get a week off of work for Thanksgiving break! I haven't been home since August.

I finally got past the craziness of the middle of the semester and this week has been really relaxing and good for me! I have had more time with friends. Funny story: Why is it that when you go into a Mexican Restaurant they assume you can speak spanish? This has happened to me countless times. I am blonde, green eyed and completely white. But they always seem to talk to me in spanish. I always do a double take and am like,"Did they just talk to me in english? I didn't understand a word of it!" Does this happen to anyone else? I think it's time I learn spanish.

That story spawned out of the fact that I went to a Mexican Restaurant with a friend the other night and then out to starbucks.

Last night Ginny introduced me to a christmas tradition her family does: cracking nuts. It's the first time I actually used a nut cracker. Every year at christmas I look at the things and I am like: What is the point? But I finally used one. I have decided nuts are equally as addicting as chips are. haha.

Today me and my friends Ginny and Christina took pictures on campus. Ginny found this one really pretty red tree left over from fall that she wanted to take pictures in front of. Here are some of them:


Jonathan said...

What are the ridiculous things people do? You left us hanging. Nuts addicting like chips? Blehck.

allcedars said...

I like how the title of this blog is "I love fall..." and yet the first thing you talk about is Christmas! :) haha. I understand though. Fall is like the introduction to Christmas.

That sounds like a ton of food for your Thanksgiving feast. We are having our Thanksgiving on Saturday so that Stephen and Tacy can come.

I wish I had a week off from work. I have Wed-Fri off, but that's it. :/

Can't wait to see you on Wednesday!