What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Seven

Today was the first day of class.

This is my schedule:

TWR: Baptist History @ 11:30-12:20
TW: Greek 1 @ 12:30-1:50
T: Counseling Women @ 3:30-6:30

I have never not had classes on Mondays/Fridays before. So, it's really nice to have those extra days of relaxation. Soon they will be used for studying and reading. haha. But, still, I think it's nice to only have three days of classes.

I have been applying to several jobs. I applied at YMCA, a nanny organization, Chik-Fil-A and the library.

I got a call back from Chik-Fil-A today for an interview and they are calling me back for a second interview. So, I made it past the first round. They have been the only people even remotely interested in calling me back. So that has been nice. It isn't my ideal job. But it's a job nonetheless. And that is what I needed! So, it will all workout! I have my foot in the door at the nanny company so they said they would contact me if something else came along.

I have had some pretty embarassing experience in the past couple days:

On Wednesday I went to work out for the first time since I moved here at the (horrible) weight room on campus. I got there and was working out really hard on the eliptical. I realized I didn't feel well, so after fifteen minutes of pushing myself I decided to switch over to the bike. I got off of the eliptical just in time to have to run to the bathroom and puke in front of three older ladies. They were freaking out wanting to call an ambulance and stuff. I got an email later in the day from the employment office asking if I was ok. Come to find out, one of the ladies that helped me in the bathroom worked in the employment office. Talk about being embarassed!!! What a horrilbe first gym experience!!! HA!

Today I went to my first class and sat through it. At the end I headed to my next class. When I got there I took a seat right up in the front row in dead center of the professor. I had already had conversations with those around me. When class finally started the professor said his name and the name of the course and I realized I was in the wrong classroom. When I walked out I realized I wasn't in the wrong classroom, but I just didn't have class today! HAHA! It was a good surprise, but a little embarrassing. Oh well. It was bound to happen, right?

Tonight was Sarah Beth's birthday party. So Ashleigh cooked poppyseed chicken, fried okra, corn and green beans. We opened presents and had dessert too. Then we played the card game NERTZ for like two hours. It is so addicting and fun! I should teach it to all you guys at some point! We all love it! I am really enjoying it here! God has given me such good friends! I already have a core group of friends that I feel like I have such a strong connection with! I don't know if I have ever had so many mature/amazing/christian friends that are headed down the same path I am in life! It's so much fun! There are seven of us that all hang out together and so Ashleigh name us "the seven". haha. So original. But, we are always hanging out together. I have most of my classes with some of them! Except Greek because I was the only one brave enough to take it (hope I don't regret that choice). haha.

I really like my professors too so far-they seem really awesome! I can't wait to learn!

Tomorrow Cameron is coming to see me...which I am looking forward to! And then Saturday me and the Seven are going to see PostGrad!

Pray that I get a job, please! I will keep you updated!


Jonathan said...

You and your embarrassments! You left out the Chickfila one!

Carlye Jean Rankin said...

we are the first "7". haha and we are all together this weekend. that is awesome. love you. hope you get the job.

allcedars said...


just kidding....

I'm happy for you.

(i guess.)