What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The End of the Year

It's the end of the school year and I can tell, like any other year of college I am more than ready for summer. I don't think it really hit yet that I am not coming back. I think I am just so ready to be done with all this work all the time that I can't even sit back and really let it settle in. My theory is it will hit when I move into seminary.

You know how you get to the end of something and everything you MEANT to do but haven't done yet comes to mind? There are so many things I meant to do while I was at Toccoa but never got around to doing. Everyday I have tried to do something I have never done no matter how small. On Sunday night I went to the Paul Anderson Park and I've always wanted to climb up there with Paul himself. But, I was too much a chicken. So, I just asked Jonathan to do it and watched while he did it. I don't think you are technically supposed to. It's not one of those things where there is a sign telling you not to. It's just one of those things you know wouldn't be a good idea if someone who cared drove by and saw it.

Last night Jonathan and I went and threw the baseball on the baseball field at the highschool. Jonathan somehow managed to throw the baseball at my foot going about 30 miles an hour. It hit my big toe. It hurt pretty bad! I honestly think though if I had kept up with softball I could be pretty good at this point in my life. I know my family is laughing at that considering how horrible I was when I played. But, really, I think if I played now I would be decent. It just may be my sport! Lol. I know it isn't bowling, golf or basketball!

Last night I also cooked my last meal for my house. It was our last dinner all together. It was kind of sad! We have had some good times around the dinner table.

Today Meredith is coming back so we are going to hang out. I only have one more final tomorrow. IT's my voice final so I just need to practice my music.

At some point I need to begin packing but I just don't want to yet!

Graduation is coming up fast and I can't believe it! It doesn't seem real to me.

The missions majors ever year walk across the stage barefoot. It is to represent the verse that says,"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news". We want to show off our beautiful feet I guess. But, I have to say, I am really excited about this tradition because it means I can do one of my favorite things: go barefoot. Normally something like that would be seen as informal. But, not for missions majors. Thank goodness I can avoid worrying about tripping as I walk across the stage in high heels.


Grace said...

I love you!!!! Enjoy every minute of it! You rock! :)

Jonathan said...

I didn't know you wanted to climb up there with Paul. You should've! I only managed to throw it at your foot because you didn't catch it when it was near your hand!