What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Junior/Senior

The future is beginning to overwhelm me lately. Do you ever suddenly look around and go,"Is this really my life?" This isn't necessarily in a good way, but it also isn't necessarily in a bad way. As the end of college is in sight my life is starting to feel kind of weird to me. It doesn't feel like my life anymore. Nothing feels normal. I am not going to pretend, I am starting to get a little freaked out about the future and all that will come with it.

No one tells you growing up is weird and hard. My room mate, house mate and I went to eat at the BBQ Shack in Toccoa on Friday evening. I don't even like BBQ. But, it is a Toccoa staple and I have never been there my entire four years. So, I decided to try it out with my two friends. We sat down at our table and our waitress walked over and said,"I assume you will be having sweet tea". Only in Toccoa do they just assume you will be drinking sweet tea. It was pretty good though! I enjoyed it. We had a good time. We talked a lot about the future and how weird it was that we are graduating. I started getting a little sentimental. You know, a lot of times I am fine with moving on in life until moving on is staring me in the face. It is when the next step is looking me in the face that I begin to hold on for dear life to the phase I am currently experiencing. I have found myself wanting to hold on for dear life to college. These past four years have definitely be full of good memories and hard times. In fact, these past four years have been the hardest of my life. But, they have also been good in a lot of ways!

Yesterday was my last formal of college. It went by so fast I don't even feel like it really happened. It was my first/last Junior/Senior banquet of college. It was in downtown Greenville. It was down by the river there in a really cool pavilion. It was beautiful! I rode down with Jonathan, Amber and Charles. We sat at a table with two other couples. The dinner was BBQ (my luck that I would have my least favorite thing two nights in a row). The food was wonderful though. They showed a senior dvd. Since the person who made it didn't know everyone on a close level, they simply took pictures off of everyone's facebook profile for the video. It just so happened that they took my profile picture. Which, at the time wasn't the most flattering picture. Had I known, I definitely would've put up a better picture of myself.

After dinner we went downtown to the Underground Coffee shop for dessert and then we headed to a jazz club to listen to a jazz band play. It was amazing! I had a lot of fun. Here are some pictures:

There is a lot to do before I graduate. I am ready for the TON of homework to be done!


allcedars said...

You look really pretty in those pictures! Looks like you had fun!

Jonathan said...

It was a good night! And I experienced your "Is this really my life?" questioning/freaking out type stuff first hand just last night! :)

Bryan Bridges said...

Moral of the Story: Always make sure you have a good profile picture on facebook!

Grace said...

Hang in there. :) I know it's a weird time...but it will be over soon, so enjoy it!

Bryan Bridges said...

You should read it! I would be happy to let you borrow it. :-)