What Can be Shown, Cannot be Said

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Not So Nuts About This Week...

Last Friday-Tuesday was Fall Break. And, it was a much needed break for me. I didn't realize how much I needed a break until I got home. I guess sometimes I don't realized how stressed out I have been until I take the time to relax. But, getting back from Fall Break has kicked me in the butt. I had a couple days to relax, only for it all to be ruined the very second I got back to school! Thank goodness I am leaving again next week for a vacation. I am going to have to work my butt of today and this weekend so that I can enjoy my time in Florida.

The only upside to this week that has brought a smile to my face was dressing Jonathan up as a squirrel. Toccoa has a tradition called "Tag Week". It is like our "christian" version of a Sadie Hawkins Dance. Since dancing is "bad" in the christian realm, we obviously don't have a dance at the end of the week. But, what you do is this: a girl will tag a guy with a costume that he has to wear for the entire week. Because you tag this person, they officially have to be your date for the Hay Ride. So, you get to humiliate the guy for a week with a ridiculous costume and then he has to be your date for the Hay Ride on the following Saturday. It's kind of fun. I have never really participated. Mainly because I never quite had enough time to get something together before the time came around. Luckily, this year I got to tag Jonathan. So, it's been funny watching him walk around like a squirrel all week long. I even made him an acorn to wear around his neck that says, "I'm nuts about Jessica Horton".

This week is really stressful for me. I have had a lot going on. In fact, I really don't even have time to write this. I will share some pictures of Jonathan dressed up and I will finish updating some other time! THis is for all of you who wanted to see these:


Portuguese Man O' War said...

Oh the comments I received...

BHorton said...

If someone I love had not made that costume, I would shoot holes in it with you know who inside.


Guess who

allcedars said...

oh me oh my. john mccain...